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"Mom it's just my radio" I stuttered as she made her way to my closet.


The phone began to ring. My mom jumped back. "Jeez that scared me" she laughed as she ran to get the phone.

I crept up to the closet door.

I swung the door open. "Haha!" I laughed.

Rebecca is not in plain site. Weird..

"Bec?" I looked in closer. Before I knew it, my shirt was pulled forward and I fell to the ground.

"SHIT PLEASE DONT HURT ME" I shut my eyes.

"Cameron are you serious" Rebecca laughed.

"Hey! I was just acting" I whined.

"Sure" she laughed.

"Babe it's like 9:00 I'm going to bed." I began to climb out of the closet followed by Rebecca.

"Wait here" I said and I walked out of my room.

"Mom" I called out.

"In the office hun" she replied.

"Well I'm going to bed, goodnight." I kissed her temple and made my way back to my room.

I walked in and shut the door behind me.

Rebecca was fast asleep in the covers of my bed.

I took off my shirt and pants and got in beside her.

I turned over to shut off my lamp, but turned back. I kissed her softly, and drifted off to sleep.


"Hunny I have some laundry for you" I was woken up by my mom knocking at my door.

"Rebecca. Wake up" I quickly whispered.

"What" she rubbed her eyes and untangling herself from around me.

"Look I love you but-" I flipped the covers over her head and told her to stay still.

"Come in" I called out.

"Hunny, I'm wanted to let you know that I'm going to be away for the weekend. John called he needs me to go to Tampa for business." She said plopping some of my clothes at the end of my bed.

"Woah, did your feet get smaller?" She giggled while taking Rebecca's foot in her hand to get grip.

Rebecca giggled but I saw her hand move towards her mouth to stop.

My mom gave me a weird look.

"What was that? I know for a fact it was not you.." He gave me a stern look.

*achoo* "seriously" I looked at the lump under my sheets.

Really Rebecca..

"Who is under there Cameron" my mom said.

"Nobody" I said sarcastically.

"Cameron Alexander Dallas you tell me right this instant." her eyes widened and her jaw clenched.

I swung my arm over revealing Rebecca.

"Rebecca?" My mom looked confused.

"Hi Gina" she looked guilty.

"Look mom this is my fault, I wanted to surprise you but-" my mom cut me off.

"Oh Rebecca! I knew you two would find your way back to each other! I just wasn't really expecting to meet again like this. Oh I'm so happy!" My mom basically started jumping.

"Well you two have fun this weekend. Not too much fun though" she said awkwardly.

"Mom. Please leave" I found myself shaking my head and basically shooing her out.

Finally she left.

"Good morning I guess" Becca smiled.

"My princess" I dragged on the 's'.

We hugged for a bit. Kissed for a bit, and when that was over we made breakfast for a bit.

"So I have a surprise for you later on today" I smiled.

"What is it?" She got all giddy.

"Well if I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise would it?" I smirked.

"Whatever you say chief" she smiled eating a strawberry.



Cameron and I have been sitting here in his living room watching movies for about 4 hours, when the doorbell rang.

"I got it" I got up and made my way to the door.

I opened it and basically fell to the floor.

There stood every single one of the guys, smiling.

"GUYS! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" I squealed and we all had a group hug.

"Rebecca you got a little something" Sammy pointed to the edge of my jaw.

"What is it?" I looked confused.

I walked over to the mirror and my eyes widened.

"Cameron what the hell?" I ran up to him and tackled him.

"What did I do?" He went in to a laughing fit.

I pointed to the massive hickey on my jaw.

"Oh" he looked proud.

"Cameron this is bad. What if-what if someone were to see this? What would they think of me!" I began to get rattled and nervous.

"Calm down, it's not a big deal." He laughed.

"Stop it's not funny" I whined.

"Stop whining or I will give you another" he placed his thumb on it causing me to wince in pain.


"It'll hurt for a bit. Don't worry." He said giving me a soft kiss on it.

"You guys are so cute" Aaron exclaimed.

"Really" Taylor added.

"Well enough of this, it's time to order some pizza and PARTY" Nash swung his hands in the air.

We all laughed. It was great to be back. Where I belong.

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