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The song was amazing. When I sang it, it just felt right. It's like I had a connection to it for some odd reason.

"That was amazing" Shawn said

"Thanks" I smiled.

"So I have been working on a couple other songs too" he said pulling out his book.

He handed it to me and I looked through it.

I have to admit, the songs were pretty damn good.

"Um Rebecca?" Shawn said

"Yup" I said not looking up from the book.

"Well, you see there is something I gotta tell you" he said not loosing eye contact.

"Whats up?" I asked looking up.

"Well you see, for the past week I have been thinking a lot and I think I-" he was cut off by someone opening the door.

"Hey!" Cameron yelled running in and hugging me.

"It's been so long!" He smiled

"3 hours?" I giggled.

"Yea but it felt like 3 days" he exaturated.

"We have the show in 5, Kevin wants you guys to come down". He smiled.

"Alright" I said as Shawn out his guitar in its case. He looked disappointed.

"Oh and I bought you new crutches" Cameron said.

I thanked him and stood up taking them.

I looked over at Shawn and back at Cameron.

"Cam, we'll meet you downstairs" I said kissing him on the cheek before he left.

"Me and Shawn made our way to the elevator silently, shortly after Cameron.

"Shawn what did you have to tell me?" I asked him.

"Sorry, Cameron interrupted" I smiled

"Nothing important" he said with no expression, as he kept his eyes forward.

"Shawn" I stated.

Then the door opened and he ran out.

What is wrong with him? What did I do?

I struggled to the venue room, but made it there slowly.

"Rebecca? Why are you alone, where's Shawn?" Cameron ran up to me, noticing my fatigue.

"I don't know" I sighed, "he just left"

"Okay, go sit with Jack" He said pointing over to the stage. I walked over and sat by him.


When I noticed that Shawn wasn't with Rebecca it made me worried about him.

He usually doesn't just leave like that without telling someone where he is going.

I carefully went, in 'stealth mode' to the private balcony.

I walked out and saw Shawn sitting on the railing looking at nothing.

"Aye bud" I said sitting beside him.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"If anything I most defiantly can not tell you" he said shaking his head.

"Tell me what?" I asked

"I can't say anything, I should have never mentioned it" he said stuffing his face in his hands.

"Fine, but just- you need to come back. The show starts in 2 minutes" I said getting up and walking out.

Something is seriously going on with this kid.

We walked back in to the room just in time to walk in with everyone.

Rebecca was in the middle of everyone walking with her crutches.

I was at the back, I ran up to her and grabbed her crutches throwing them to the side.

"What the heck" she frowned and she limped.

I picked her up by the legs and threw her over my shoulder running in with the other guys.

I heard a bunch of people in the back yell things about Rebecca.

I didn't worry to much about it though, Rebecca is strong.

"HELLO EVERYONE!" Taylor yelled in to the mic and a the girls screamed like crazy.

We all did our dances and then it was time for Rebecca and Shawn to sing.

Two stools were set aside on the stage and I helped Rebecca up while Shawn was sitting already.

"Break a leg" I said kissing her cheek before sitting on the other side of the stage.

Shawn began to strum his guitar, and Rebecca slowly started to join in.

You could hear the nerves in her voice, but it sounded so amazing it could make anyone's mood rise.

Some girls were cheering some were booing.

It was mixed, but most were cheering.

Then one said, "Awh i ship it! Shawrecca" she squealed, and others joined in with her.

My heart began to race and I felt a feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me want to punch anything and everything.

It was jealousy.


When the girls started cheering "Shawrecca" I was happy.

I mean, terrible ship name. But I still have feelings for her which makes me happy that they are cheering for us.

Rebecca sang the last note, and smiled through it gazing over at me.

It sucks. Wanting something desperately, knowing you can't have it.

Especially when they have no clue you need them.

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