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So far the party is going great, there are a little more people then I expected, but it's a good party.

"Hey Bec do you want a drink?" I asked Rebecca

"Maybe I will try something... What do you suggest?" She asked me

"Well I'm just gonna have a beer, I will get you one too" I said grabbing two beers out of the cooler.

I opened it and handed it to Rebecca. She took one sip of it.

"Wow, I like that.." She said going for another sip.

"Good, just don't drink too much" I warned her.

"Alright, I'm just gonna go get my bathing suit on.." She said

"I was just gonna say the same thing." I said

We walked upstairs, and paused when we walked in to our room because Taylor was kinda doing something nasty with one of the girls he brought.. If YA know what I'm saying.

"Out" i said.

"Shit, sorry dude" he said getting up and they both ran out of the room.

"I'm sorry, he does that at every party, you just learn to get used to it" I said

"It's okay" Rebecca said rummaging through her bags.

I got my swim trunks and went in to the bathroom to get changed.

When I got out Rebecca was looking at her phone, with a towel wrapped around her and her hair in a bun.

"That was fast" I said

"Like you said, ninja" she laughed.

We walked downstairs and outside to the pool area.

I put my towel down, and so did Rebecca.

All of the sudden it almost went dead silent. Everyone was staring at us.

But not quite, only Rebecca.


I looked up and everyone's eyes were burning holes through my skin.

After they all noticed that I noticed they started 'partying' again.

"Wow." Cameron said.

"What?" I asked

"I'm sorry if this sounds whatever but geez." He said looking up and down my body causing me to go in to a laughing fit.

"Yup, that's my girlfriend" he yelled pointing to me.

"Well I'm going in to the hot tub" I said walking away awkwardly.

I went and sat beside Jack G who was also in the hot tub.

"Hey" I said resting my head back.

"H-hey" he stuttered.

"Are you okay" I said

"I need to tell you something." He said

"What?" I asked

"All these guys may not be showing it, but they all want you.." He said making me flinch forward.

"I would stay close to Cameron if I were you.." He warned me.

"Thanks" I said and luckily Cameron came right then and handed me a beer.

"Cam you better watch her, I heard the guys talking over there, and it didn't seem to good for her side.." Jack said quietly and got out.

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