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I looked up at him, it was the first time that we had really looked in to each others eyes with the feeling of hope in a long time.

I noticed that his eyes began to shut as he leaned in. I was hesitant at first but before I knew it, his lips crashed in to mine.

It felt so right at that moment.
All of a sudden, it was like a wave of memories flew over my head.

I started getting flashbacks of me and Cameron.

My thoughts were interrupted by a banging on the door.

Cameron pulled away, looked at me straight in the eyes, and walked out.

I stood there, what just happened?

I got up, and went to go re-apply some of the make-up that had smeared from my tears.

I looked at myself, one more time before I left the bathroom.

I walked out and saw Cameron with Nash, and Scott was nowhere to be seen, neither was Cassidy.

As I walked back to my table to get my phone to call Scott, I was stopped.

"Rebecca?" I heard someone squeal.

I turned around. "Sarah?" I looked closer, I ran as quickly as I could over to her.

She was wearing a light pink dress with a little sparkle around the waist, and her hair was slightly pinned to the side.

"You look amazing!" I said hugging her.

"Thanks, you too!" She smiled.

"So any dates do the wedding?" I asked her

"Um, well YA see that's the thing.." She sighed.

"What's wrong? Did you and Sam get in a fight?" I frowned.

"No" she smiled

"Then what?" I asked confused.

"Will you be my maid of honour?" She asked me getting all excited.

"YES!" I squealed pulling her in to another hug.

"Yea, Sammy is asking his friend Skate, you know him?" She asked

"Um I haven't met him but I have heard about him." I answered back.

"Okay, enough wedding talk, what the hell just happened back there? And why did Cam just walk out of the girls bathroom?" She asked, giggling toward the end.

"Umm, me- i- Cameron and I kissed" I said

"Aren't you with Scott?" She asked me surprised.

"Y-yea" I said and a wave of guilt washed over me.


"Well good!" She said

"What?" I asked confused.

"Scott and Cassidy are currently sucking each other's faces off in the storage room, they are drunk as fuck" she stated, causing my heart to feel like it fell out of my chest.

I couldn't get words out of my mouth, it was like I had no vocal chords.

"It's gonna be okay Becs" she said pulling me in to a hug.

"I shouldn't even feel bad for myself, I did the same thing." I covered my face with my hands.

"Are you guys alright?" A voice said causing me to turn my head.

It was Sammy. "Scott cheated on her" Sarah frowned at him.

"Awe, it's gonna be okay. Come here" Sammy said opening his arms, pulling my in to a hug.

"Thanks Sam" I said putting a fake smile on and pulling away.

"Anytime" he smiled.

"NOW LETS GO BUST THIS SHIT HEAD!" He yelled running to the storage room.

"SAMMY!" I yelled after him, and I ran trying to stop him but it was too late.

He opened the door revealing the two people, I can't even say their names, making out.

"Are you serious?" I said, causing them to jerk their heads at us.

"Rebecca it's not what it looks like.." Scott said

"Oh, no this is exactly what it looks like" I retaliated.

"Please let me explain.." He said pushing Cassidy away.

She was really drunk, Sammy went to help her up and he brought her to a table, leaving me and Scott.

"What. Explain" I blurted.

"I- she kissed me and one thing led to another. Rebecca it's- I just-" he couldn't manage to get another word out.

"WHAT?" I bugged him

"You still love Cameron, I felt like you didn't want me" he huffed.

"Scott I-" I looked down and he cut me off.

"Rebecca, you don't look at me like that, he looks at you will such compassionate and caring eyes, I will never be able to give to you what he gave you or what he is capable of giving you." He said.

"It's not just you, I lost feelings a while ago, I just didn't want to break your heart again." he said and he walked out.

He just turned this whole situation to be about him, and his feelings.

And now I have no date to Prom, at Prom..

I walked out and Sarah came up to me.

"So Cassidy went home in a Taxi, what happened in there, did you break up with him?" She asked

"No, actually he broke up with me.." I said and i clicked in to reality.

"What?" She asked confused.

"He said he knows I still love Cam, and that Cam loves me. But Scott lost feelings for me a while back, he just never got to telling me that" I said to her

"I know" she said

"You know what?" I asked

"You an Cam still love each other, it's so obvious!" She said

"He's with Cassidy though.." I said

"Not anymore.." She smiled.

"But I reached out to him, he declined it. He didn't want to keep contact with me, it's his fault!" I argued.

"You need to put that in the past, he just told you he loves you! Trust him alright?" She said to me.
I nodded yes and she grabbed my hands.

"That's it! It's PROM you are going to have a good time and dance!" She said pulling me to the dance floor.

Could this night have gotten any more weird?

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