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I was left alone in the diner.

I thought about everything that had just happened.


"Hey hon, sorry but we're closing now" a waitress said taking away the plates from my table.

"No problem!" I said getting my things and walking out.

I made my way to Scott's house.
About half way down the street I noticed bright flashing lights.

I walked drove closer to the house but the lights all went off.

I parked my car in the drive-way and got out.

All of a sudden a whole bunch of lights came on causing me to jerk backwards.

I heard a guitar from the midst coming closer.

Then I heard a vice from right around the corner.

"Your heart, is more than a machine.
Pumping blood through your body doing things you've never seen..."

I squinted my eyes to see who the mystery person was, Scott.

I started giggling at how corny he was being.

Then he stopped singing and came closer but stopping when he came about 3 feet from me.

He began again, all of a sudden people came and started humming,

And scott started again, stunning his guitar.

"Oh, your eyes, your eyes, makes the stars look like they're not shining, your hair, your hair falls perfectly with out you trying, but your so beautiful, and I wanna tell you everyday.

I know I know when I compliment you you won't believe me, it's so, it's so sad to think that you don't see what I see, but every time you ask me do I look okay I say,

When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, cuz your amazing just the way you are, and when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while, 'cuz your amazing, just the way you are."

He sang. And then he came up to me and pulled a rose out of his back pocket and flipped his guitar around so it was on his back.

"Rebecca, will you go to Prom with me?" He asked me, with his left hand taking mine, and a huge smile.

"No thanks" I smiled and his expression was knocked off his face.

"IM KIDDING! of-corse I will go to prom with you" I smiled hugging him.

He pecked me on the lips and I dug my face in to his shirt, as he gave me a beat hug.


I scrolled through my Instagram feed, and saw that Rebecca posted like 4 pictures.

One was a video of some guy singing to her, that Bruno Mars song 'Just the Way You are'.

He was alright, but Shawn Mendes was better.

The next was a picture of the guy giving her a rose.

The next was a video of the guy asking her to Prom, she said no at first but sadly she was joking.

The last picture made me want to jump out of my skin.

It was just a picture of her and the guy kissing, with the caption "he's alright❤️"

Who is this guy?!

I pressed on the picture and she had tagged him.

I looked at his profile.. Scott..

He looked so familiar!

He posted a picture from when he was younger.

Oh. My. Gosh. The guy was the Scott from younger elementary years!

He moved like 10 years ago, why is he here?

Why should I care? She is happy, I shouldn't care who she is with.

I still love her to death though, since Stephanie is gone now, I have nobody.

I was planning on getting Rebecca back, but i guess she took the break-up well..


I decided to text Cameron, I could get in trouble but I want him to know about Scott.

Me- hey Cam:)

He didn't answer. 3 hours later.

Me: cam?

"He still hasn't answered?" Scott asked me, and my head flung up.

I nodded no, "well he moved on, you need to just forget about him. Just stick with the present" he smiled pulling me in to his chest.

I guess he was right.. Cameron didn't want to be part of my life.


I got a text from Rebecca, but decided against answering.

She would just rub in her new boyfriend, I don't have time for that.

It's going to be awkward at school tomorrow, since every class I have is with her.

I will just ignore her, I will be fine.

Actually, no I won't. I still love her. But I need to let go, clearly she has.

Why shouldn't I?

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