"Last hug,"

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In his last chance of saying goodbye to Dean Winchester. Castiel pulled Dean into a hug. At first he wanted nothing more than to push the eldest Winchester aside. After all he didn’t know what the empty could do to the hunter whom he most adored.

Though in a quick blink of an eye the angel decided against it. He wanted to hold Dean in his arms one last time… And pretend that the world was normal. Pretend that he was still himself and that he wasn't in love with a human.

Though no matter how much he tried to push it away, his feelings for Dean still remained. Just the moment before Castiel had glanced up at Dean… Still beautiful, still Dean Winchester. Were his thoughts, he knew that wasn’t how friends normally thought.

The hunter had taught him alot about being human… Being human taught him alot about being human as well. He knew exactly what this emotion was and what it was going to do to him. With Dean Winchester, Castiel knew that he was his happiest.

Even if he didn’t want to admit it.

“I love you,” Were the words that escaped his lips as Castiel knew at that moment that he was doomed that there was no turning back now. He was about to be trapped in the empty to relive his deepest regrets for eternity.

He placed a hand on Dean’s shoulder then pulled him in for one final hug. He wanted this to feel like a proper goodbye. He knew maybe then that the blonde could forget about him and move on. Though he knew that was highly unlikely of the Winchester.

“No… Cas… No,” Dean whispered burying his face into Castiel's shoulder for a second.

He gripped the raven-haired angel tightly. He didn’t even let go when he heard the story behind them. He didn’t ever want to let go of the trench-coated angel. He knew that once he let go that he wouldn’t ever see him again… That Castiel was going to be ripped from his grasp.

“Goodbye Dean,” Dean could hear the smile and the sadness draped in the angel's voice as he heard the void of the empty inch closer from behind them.

“No,” He breathed, however, it was too late. As he realized that the angel no longer happened to be in his arms.

Castiel was gone, and right at that moment Dean Winchester broke down. He couldn’t keep it together nor stand. His legs were jello and his heart was broken. Dean had nothing left to live for.

He spent the entire night sobbing and didn’t regret a thing. He wanted desperately to drown himself in alcohol yet at the moment he was numb, he couldn’t even move from his place. Everything hurt, he couldn’t even answer the phone.

There was an apocalypse outside and that the moment nothing besides Castiel seemed to matter. Dean Winchester was broken as the sobs wracked his body.

“I love you too,” He mumbled out, barely able to even hear himself over his sobs. His voice was raw and low he doubted Castiel even thought that he loved him back.

Dammit he doubted he could even avenge the angel… He doubted a lot of things at the moment. Simply the thought caused everything to break in him.

Then weeks passed.

Things still weren’t the same to say the least. He had avenged Castiel, though things still weren’t right. Even if Dean had managed to take down Chuck things weren’t the way that he wanted them.

He was supposed to feel better now, except he didn’t.

Every night Dean would go to bed… He would just think about the moment that had the angel in his arms and that he was taken away from him. He thought about how one second Castiel was in his grasp and then the next he was gone.

His brain felt like broken glass. His thoughts were slicing him. The eldest Winchester no longer got even four hours of sleep, the only thing he could do was drink. He hadn’t been sober since that night. And don’t even get him started on what happened when he saw the handprint on his arm did to him.

“You need to eat Dean… Chuck is gone, you deserve this,” Sam reassured, placing a streaming plate of pie in front of Dean.

The green-eyed man eyed it and pushed it away, this time though Sam wasn’t shocked. His brother hadn't’ been this same for weeks. The youngest Winchester wasn’t stupid he knew that something happened that night.

“Cas wouldn’t be too happy if he found out you weren’t eating,” Sam pointed out, this being his last resort in getting Dean to eat.

“Yeah well he isn’t here is he,” Dean mumbled taking another giant swig of whisky. “Besides this isn’t about him,”

“Bullshit Dean! You haven’t been the same since… since-”

“Just drop it Sammy,” Dean growled out turning away from his brother.

“I wasn’t going to tell you this yet but Cas he-”

“Enough about Cas alright? He’s gone and there is nothing that we can do! If Jack can’t bring him back then no one can! I can’t just sit here and act like he isn’t gone  because it hurts! He saved me from hell he didn’t deserve… He didn’t… I-” Dean didn’t get out the rest before he turned around and walked out of the room leaving Sam there stunned.

Though instantly Sam got up and chased after his brother. “Dean wait I-” Thought as Sam rounded the corner he watched as Dean went into his room.

Sam knew that he was too late. He knew who was waiting in there for Dean.

“Hello Dean,” Castiel mumbled causing Dean’s eyes to widen as he quickly took one of his gurns off the wall and shot the angel. “I’m not a shifter, it's me,” Castiel mumbled through a head tilt.

Ah there it was. The old Castiel… The one that Dean knew. The one that he had fallen head over heels in love with.

“Cas,” Dean whimpered, pulling the angel into his arms.

This time Dean knew that he wasn’t going to leave him any time soon. Dean could feel a lump forming in his throat at the thought of telling Cas how he really feels as he never pulled away from the angel.

He wanted to know everything. How the angel got there, if he really meant what he said, if he was alright, however, the most important thing Dean wanted the angel to know he couldn’t get out.

As he pulled away from the angel's grasp to get a good look at him no words escaped his mouth. His blood pressure arose as he could feel his tongue get stuck in his throat. Dean knew that if he couldn't say it that he had to show it.

So he pushed his lips to the angels.

Sparks flew, and fireworks went off. Castiel could feel goosebumps form across his skin as Dean could feel his lips tingle as he pulled the angel closer to him. The lightbulb above them exploded causing them to jump apart as the angel only giggled against Dean.

“I apologize that seems to happen whenever I am overjoyed,”

“Dammit you stupid son of a btich I love you to,” Dean excaimed cupping the angels jaw in his palm as he leaned in for another kiss this time in the dark.

Their love shown… Their love was spoken.

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