"The Call,"

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"Please don't let the empty take me Dean… Please," Those were Castiel's last words to Dean before he was wished away by the empty.  

Dean's best friend, the love of his life was taken away by the empty The last and most powerful thing in the universe.  

The blonde knew that he should have told Castiel sooner, though in the back his mind was glad he hadn't- he was glad for all of the extra time they had gotten together by him not admitting his feelings for the angel. Hell, the one reason that always stopped him from saying it is that angels aren't supposed to feel. 

However, Castiel apparently does and he was so sure about it that it had become his true happiness so Dean knew that it had to be real.  

Received on the floor for what felt like minutes yet was hours that turned into the entire night. He had sunk to his messy after they became too shady to stand on. Sam had called him but he hadn't had the neglect to respond. He would much rather bury his face in his knees and pull at his hair than talk to his brother at the moment. His eyes were stinging and his cheeks were raw. 

Dean glanced up at the chair in the middle of the dungeon. It reminded him of the chair Castiel used to sit on in his room and guard him while he slept.  

Something about Castiel had always made him feel protected though he knew that it wasn't just because of his angel powers. Though the two of them did share a more profound bond.  

Castiel had saved Dean many times and sacrificed himself multiple of those times. However this one just the worst, maybe it's because Castiel kept it from him. Or maybe it's the fact that Dean almost told him In purgatory how he felt but Castiel stopped him and it all made sense now.  

Though maybe it was because he finally knew that this best friend was in love with him and that he loved him back.  

"Cas…" Dean murmured weakly, his eyes barely open and his hair pointed in different directions. "I'm sorry you should have told me man we could have figured this thing out- together like we always do because… because I-I love you,"

The hunter knew that the angel probably couldn't hear him and that he was long gone and he didn't give a shit. He had to get that off his chest even if the person he loved didn't get to hear it.  

By the time Dean got to his isolation he was completely drunk and could barely drive. Though he wanted to shut his eyes he knew that he couldn't or he would be plagued by nightmares. He had to stop multiple times on the way to Sam and Jack just to stop crying and take a deep breath.  

Then when he got there something in him broke, and the two had to hug him and keep him standing.  

Then next thing Dean knew after many beers later they were back at The bunker him and Sam I'm the kitchen sitting on the floor expressing their feelings.  

Dean's phone went off.  

He almost had a heart attack at who was calling him.  

"Cas!" Dean was sprinting across and up the bunkers stairs not even thinking about how stupid he was being.  

That it could just be- it was Castiel standing at the door who stabbed Dean right in the heart.  

Dean looked up shocked as blood began to coke up his throat. He began to laugh when suddenly Castiel morphed into Chuck.  

 "NO!" Sam explained only causing Chuck to laugh.  

"Say goodbye to Dean," and in a swipe of his finger he broke Dean's neck.  

And the eldest Winchester woke up in bed sweating feeling two arms wrapped around him tightly. 

"I'm here Dean," Castiel reassured groggily. "I'm not going to leave you," 

"I know you're not," He reassured, placing a sloppy kiss on his boyfriend's lips in the dark.  

Dean grouped his boyfriend tighter even though he knew that this angel wasn't going to leave him any time soon.  

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