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Mistakes were made.  

Dean knew that much, once he attempted to use an angel blade against Chuck. He heard the sickening crack of his spine as he was thrown by an invisible force against the wall.  

He watched as Chuck walked past the unconscious Sam and Jack and toward himself who was barley awake.  

"I told you how your story ends Dean," Chuck mumbled as Dean struggled against his grip as God pulled Dean by the collar so that they were face to face.  

This caused a rush of pain to erupt down Dean's spine.  

The eldest Winchester was useless as he couldn't move, his whole body was numb.  

"I win," Those were the last sickening words Dean heard before his eyes closed to a blow to the face.  

His eyes fluttered between opened and closed as he saw Chuck was talking to a blurry figure. It was Jack, and next thing he knew he saw Jack's eyes glow orange.  

Dean swore right before that he saw the tan of a trench coat before he fell into unconsciousness.  

The blonde haired man woke up with a fright. Everything about what had happened came back to him in a flash as he rubbed his eyes and sat up right. 

He could feel his back again which meant that someone had healed him- or something for that matter. His eyes scanned the room it was his own.  

He smiled. Jack must've pulled through.  

"You did good kid," Dean mumbled as Jack walked into the room the first thing he did was embrace Dean in a tight and warm hug.  

"We did it," was the first thing Jack told him face buried deep in Dean's shoulder. "We did it," 

"Hell yeah we did," Dean smiled as him and Jack pulled away. "Thank you for healing me," 

"I don't have my powers anymore," Jack explained causing Dean to glance at him through shock.  

"Well then who-" He knew everything felt all to good to be true and that something was definitely off.  

"Cas?" Dean questioned shock clouding his voice as he stared at the other man with shocked filled features. "No… You're dead," 

"In my anger at Chuck I may or may not have used the last of my powers to defeat him and being Castiel back again," Jack mumbled through a smile as the trench-coated angel ruffled his hair.  

"Hello Dean-" 

"Cas!" Suddenly that's when Castiel was tackled in a hug and fell to the ground with Dean on top of him. 

"Sam told me everything including how much you-" Though before Castiel could get out the rest that's when Dean smashed their lips together causing sparks to fly and fireworks to go ff.  

Everything in Castiels body felt on fire and satisfied for the first time ever. This was his Hunter that he thought he never had all those years ago. It was all about Castiel.  

"I love you," Dean whispered through a wide grin. "Damn it feels good that you finally get it hear that,"

"Cas loves you too he told me," Jack explained causing the two to look over st him through  a laugh. 

"Of course I do," The Blue eyed angel reassured through a smile as the two of them began to get off the floor. "How could anyone not?" 

And that's the moment Dean knew that he was head over heels in love with the angel infront of him.  

"So the two of you finally huh?" Sam questioned eyeing between the two of them. "It's about damn time," 

"Oh can it Sammy like you didn't take ages to ask Eileen out," 

"It didn't take me twelve years!" Sam roared back causing the two brothers to begin to bicker.  

"How long do you think they're going to be like that?" Jack questioned.  

"My moneys bet on atleast an hour," Eileen laughed taking a sip of her beer. "Our silly boys Dean practically just came back from the dead," 

"He's an angry sleeper, Sam forgot to wait until he got his coffee," Castiel pointed out causing them to laugh.  

"Can we play twister now Cas?" Jack asked with puppy dog eyes.  

"Of course we can but I have to worn you I still am the champion," 

"Not while I'm here," Eileen piped in.  

Castiel smiled going to retrieve the game. This was a lot better than being in the empty and boy did it feel good to be home. 

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