"Malak box"

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"DEAN! DEAN PLEASE I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" Castiel pleaded struggling against the handcuffs Dean knew wouldn't hold Castiel long. Every ounce of him wanted to believe what he was shouting however the hunter knew better than that.

This wasn't his best friend... Well not anymore at least. This was a demon... The mark talking.

Dean was the only one that could do this. He knew that. Castiel would never hurt him- hell he had tried multiple times and each time he would end up healing him. Castiel knew what was about to happen to him and tried anything to get out of this situation... Even if that meant using everything he knew about the eldest Winchester against him.

"We can be together Dean-" By this time Dean was crying as they reached the interrogation room. He was shaking and could feel the sob rising up in his throat begging to be released. "Please Dean I love you... I need you like you need me," Dean's heart shattered at what the trench-coated demon was saying in front of him.

He knew that this wasn't Castiel and still it hurt like hell. "I'm sorry," Dean murmured, sucking in a breath and pushing the demon gently toward the box... He never dreamed of harming Castiel even if this wasn't his angel.

Dean didn't breathe for a moment trying to gain up the strength he knew he needed in order to do this. He had to be strong and this was the only way... He was the only one able to get close enough to do this. Chuck only knows what the hell would have happened to Sam or anyone else who dared be this close to Castiel at the moment.

Suddenly Dean was able to get Castiel in the box safely. The demon didn't put up a fight... Maybe because the handcuffs rendered him powerless who knows. Though before Dean could shut the lid he met the eyes of Castiel, who was crying, still in a bloodied trench coat with a blue tie... and ocean blue eyes.

"Please Dean don't do this... I love you, I want to be with you," Dean could feel the pieces of his shattered heart being ripped out of his chest at the sight of the angel as he shook his head trying not to let the demon affect him.

"I love you to Cas," Was all Dean was able to get out before he closed the box shut locking it. There Dean broke down on his knees into sobs not caring if the demon inside could still hear him... Because the person in there was no longer his best friend.

"Another nightmare?" Castiel questioned as Dean nodded his body basically on top of Castiels in his bed, his head resting on the angel's shoulder as his face was buried in his best friend's neck.

No words were ever said after Dean nodded most nights. The angel knew that the hunter simply needed someone to comfort him or simply need to make sure that he was alright. He didn't seem to mind it one bit.

Castiel made sure to softly run fingers through Dean's hair as he could feel the eldest Winchesters soft breaths on the skin of his neck. Dean held the angel tightly squeezing his eyes shut.

In an attempt to get out of his nightmare state, Dean began to kiss Castiel's neck... Right where his grace is held underneath. The raven-haired man wasn't shocked by this move- the hunter did it often to him. Claiming that it was the closest he would ever get to the real him...

"I love you," Dean would finally utter once he could get out words... Castiel understood when he had first told the hunter that he loved him that it takes time for someone to fully realize what's happening and that the blonde hadn't had enough time to tell him this. "I love all of you," However, Castiel wouldn't ever stop loving hearing the green-eyed man say this to him because-

"I love you too," the blonde would always finally utter a smile causing the angel to relax and drift back off into sleep. The two knew that they had each other and needed nothing less and nothing more.

Though Dean often thought about how he got there... That alone simply being a nightmare in itself.

Dean laid in bed, his jacket gripped in his hands tightly. This time Dean no longer had a trench coat... He no longer had an angel blade so this was his next best thing. His green jacket... His favorite jacket held much more power than the hunter ever thought it could hold. He didn't care if it got his bed dirty all he cared about was having it close to him.

Having the handprint on the left arm close to him. It was the first and last thing Castiel had ever done to him. The blonde had one arm around the jacket and the other was slung around himself in an effort to hold the actual handprint scar on his arm. He cried for what felt like hours after Jack had left them.

He didn't care what Sam thought anymore... Hell the only thing Sam knew at the moment was a couple of words Dean was able to whisper to his brother. "I didn't say it back," So the younger Winchester brother was left in the dark, standing outside of Dean's room.

He wanted to make sure that his brother was alright, and the whimpering of Miracle wasn't helping anything. Sam knew exactly what Dean was talking about even if his brother didn't think he did. He wasn't stupid, he saw all of the stolen glances and touches or the way that Dean simply couldn't stand after Castiel died all the other times or the way that the two simply couldn't go on without eachother even if they were hesitant to admit it.

Gradually sleep pulled the two Winchesters in. Sam was back in his room and Dean was still in his bed. When the eldest Winchester woke up from his sleep he glanced around the room quickly. His hair was in all different directions and he had tear stains down his face though he didn't care.

The blonde didn't care about crying or showing his emotions, he didn't care about being weak or even dying. At this point there was no Chuck watching and controlling him. He was free to do what he wanted and what the green-eyed hunter wanted was his best friend back.

Dean could feel his heart plummet to the ground at the sight of his empty room... And then to the empty chair beside his bed. Castiel had watched over him most nights, and always terrified him. The blonde knew that there were some nights he didn't catch the angel watching him sleep and wasn't able to saute dammit Cas in his direction.

Dean went to sleep that night and many nights for a week after that alone and broken-hearted. He wanted to live... For everyone he had lost along the way, he also wanted to live for his brother- for Miracle.

Though the days felt to him as if they grew longer... Or maybe that had something to do with his lack of sleep. Damn did he have to take a lot of sleeping pills in order to get a good night's rest. Though every day the blonde found himself getting out of bed thinking about his best friend and smiling.

He would get up and join Sam in the kitchen with a smile. This was a genuine smile at seeing his brother happy and healthy. Miracle would always sit by Dean's side as he ate and oftentimes would have a meal of her own.

Sam and Dean still hunted together though they began to hunt less and less. Sam got a good job, and an actual job. The blonde couldn't help yet to be proud of his younger brother and what he had become... Dean on the other hand had trouble, the same job application papers sat on his desk during those weeks.

Those weeks that turned into a month of sleepless nights... And then everything changed. That being how Dean ended up where he was with Castiel. Kissing his neck and never seeming to let go of his best friend... His partner.

It was hard for him to imagine what life used to be a couple of months ago but now Sam was happy, Castiel was back and most importantly Dean was back to himself, and finally had a will to live.

To be with his brother, to be with Miracle... However more importantly to be with Castiel.

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