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“Now with no power Jack is just a kid,” Dean explained to Jody for the one millionth time though she just wasn't buying it as she glanced at the two men in her living room with a questioning glare.

“Y’know you could have just told me that you wanted to adopt a kid I would have been fine with it,”

“Hello I am Jack,” Jack explained holding up his hand in a waving motion causing Jody to almost lose her mind.

“Jack you should have done that five minutes ago!” Dean exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air out of frustration as Castiel laid a hand on Dean’s shoulder as if in a gesture to calm him and it worked… Well only for a couple of seconds.

“I-Is doesn't talk?” Jack questioned, confusing Dean to facepalm himself.

“It’s nice to see you Jack,” Jody exclaimed, swooping him up into her arms. “I’d be glad to take him off your hands for a little while,”

“What about dinner-”

“Oh nonsense boys I haven’t even started dinner yet go out and have some fun,” Jody began to wiggle her eyebrows causing Dean to blush and Castiel to glance between his hunter and Jody confusedly.

He’s still a little slow at catching on with human lingo. After all, no one had ever shown him the human way like Dean has. Most of the time he had spent all of his years observing and wondering why the humans did what they did.

“Are you sure?” Castiel questioned reluctantly to let Jack go. He was still nervous that something would happen to him- after all it was Dean who taught him to be protective over his family. “We wouldn’t want to be a bother,”

“Nonsense you’ve had him two months and you weren’t even prepared I think that this is the least I could do,”

“Alright then I guess we’ll-” Dean began to say however he was cut off by Jody practically shoving the two out the door.

“Less talking more doing… After all the two of you deserve it and don’t make me use my mom voice on you young-”

“I am older than you, by one million years to be exact,” Castiel sassed back causing Dean to burst out laughing as Jody only smiled slamming the door on Jack shouting behind it.

Though as Dean and Castiel made their way down the front sidewalk they heard the door open up from behind them and tiny footsteps.

“Waitz!” As Dean turned around that’s when two arms were around his legs. “I said no byes,”

“We’ll see you soon Jack we won’t be gone long,” Castiel reassured as Dean handed Jack over and nodded in agreement.

“Don’t come back here for an hour or else you won’t like what you get,” Jody explained causing Dean to gulp as he quickly waved goodbye and pulled Castiel to the car before he could say anything more.

Once he was in the impala he began to laugh hard causing Castiel to glance at him confused. “I am one million years older than you,” Dean mumbled in Castiel's voice causing the angel to glare at him.

“I was only correcting her,” The raven-haired angel explained. “I had no intention of being mean,” Castiel became sad as Dean placed a hand on his knee and started the car backing out.

“Don’t worry angel I know a place that will cheer you up,” This caused Castiel to glance at Dean confused as his hunter began to drive off into the distance.

That’s when Dean ended up in an open field. He parked the car and climbed onto the hood of the impala staring at the clouds. “This place his beautiful Dean thank you,”

“I thought you liked it… Just the two of us no one else,” After twenty minutes of glancing at the clouds Dean got an idea.

He took Castiel's hand and pulled him toward the back seat- that’s when a smirk formed across his face.

Dean came into Jodys house with Castiel's trench coat on, the angel wrapped in his flangan nudged into his side. And Jody wasn’t even shocked to see the two of them, much less what they were wearing.

“Did the two of you go to a fashion- nevermind anyways I got Jack-”

“Bean! Caws! Looks!” Jack was holding up a hand covered in mashed potatoes.

“I made extra mash just for you,” Jody explained through a smile as Dean grinned from ear to ear.


“Thank you Jody you really didn’t have to-”

“Nonsense Cas! Dean and I figured that since you’re part human now you deserve some good food- food that you can taste!” Jody was smiling from ear to ear the same as Dean as suddenly there was a knock at the door.

“Hiya Sammy,” Dean smiled as Sam walked in the door while Dean was stuffing his face.

“Sawm!” Jack exclaimed holding out his arms for the moose who quickly scooped him up through a smile as Eileen came up behind him.

Eileen and Cas shared a look. The two we’re always gossiping outside of the group.

Dean smiled glancing around him. He smiled, shaking his head… This is what he always dreamed about. His perfect family and settling down. No longer having to worry about monsters or a big bad.

Just his apple pie life.

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