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From a young age Dean Winchester had always been told that angels were watching over him. At first he didn’t believe his mothers words… Then over the years he realized that she had been right all along.

“Cas… Cas!” Is the only sound that could be heard through Dean’s room in the bunker. “I- no!” The elder Winchester tossed and turned in his nightmare filled sleep.

This is how it occurred most nights, the sheets entangled around him his hair a mess, some sticking to his sweat filled forehead. Most people were at ease when they were asleep, however, Dean wasn’t one of those people. Not even after he defeated Chuck. Because in reality he hadn’t defeated him fully… Chuck still had the green-eyed hunter wrapped around his finger… He still had Dean's mind.

Every day the elder Winchester was plagued by nightmares… Things that Chuck had done to him, people that God had taken from him. It wasn’t ever supposed to be this way, no human should have to go through most suffering.

Dean had never had nightmares this terrible before… Though he knew that things were different now and that more had happened to him he just wondered why. His insides were broken and every godforsaken day coffee seemed to be the only thing keeping him alive besides Sam and Miracle.

Thus even if they were hunting less and had much more time to get more than four hours of sleep Dean still didn’t… He couldn’t. Because every time he closed his eyes he saw everything, things that he should have done, things that he didn’t and vice versa.

Deep down the eldest Winchester knew that something was missing… Something that could make him whole again. Something that could take the nightmares away or at least lessen them to the point where he wasn’t a walking zombie and was actually living in the free world that he created. Or someone was missing.

Dean was now full on sobbing in his sleep, which was rare for him. Most of the times it was simply a few tears that leaked his eyes, this time there were sobs. Things were different now as he began to pull at his hair, almost pulling some of it out, and when his fists went into balls his nails cut deep into his palms.

Then suddenly the screaming began. “No! You come back you stupid son of a bitch! You’re not allowed to leave me! I-I need you god dammit I need you!” Dean was shouting at the top of his lungs, his chest heaving up and down as he did so.

Silent tears were escaping down his cheeks as he didn’t stop shouting. His pleads for one angel could be heard across the entire bunker by now as the eldest Winchester did it unknowingly.

“Cas please.... Why would you do this? You can’t take him, you son of a bitch!” He exclaimed there was such fury and sadness in his voice as he suddenly began to shake with fear. “Cas… ¡Casi no!” Suddenly that’s when Dean hurled himself across his bed screaming, screaming in pain. It wasn’t a type of hurt pain it was an emotional pain.

He was tossing and turning violently now, the images in his mind plaguing his body. His hands were once again balled in fists drawing blood in his palms. Then there were the tears that continued to fall. It broke Castiel's heart as he stared down at the eldest Winchester.

He had to make himself visible in the room in order to help Dean. Though he was nervous at the blonde realizing he was there. All the times before this the green-eyed hunter had known that he was alive this time he didn’t.

Cas was nervous to confront the eldest Winchester after escaping his time in the empty. After all they really didn’t leave on a high note. Oftentimes after Castiel drageed Dean from hell he would have to follow Dean to every hotel room to keep him from his nightmares.

He always told Dean that he would watch over him though he knew that the eldest Winchester didn’t truly know the full extent. Everytime Dean would call out and Cas wasn’t there, he would be sure to show up.

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