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When Castiel was taken by the empty the only thing the empty left was Dean alone in the dungeon. 

The empty, the black goo was slick. It was sure not to leave any traces of anything behind after all it was a million years old and surely had learned by now how to handle things properly. 

With no traces of what happened left behind, no one to blame and most importantly nothing to kill. 

Last time Castiel died Dean had the angel's entire trench coat, his knife and mixtape. This time everything was taken from him- trench coat in all. 

His whole world was gone, and Dean was left there not even realizing…

That Castiel had outsmarted the empty. 

Dean and Sam didn't know it yet, not until Dean was on his breaking point. 

Dean smiled at Sam, that smile that he gave his brother every time before he left him. It was a smile that he hopes his brother would remember. 

The last thing Dean wanted his brother to see was his smile not his pain. 

The eldest Winchester couldn't just out right hug his brother so this time he left without a hug. Though it pained his heart he knew that this was for the best. 

He was dragging his brother down, he had lived to protect Sammy and he had done it. Sam was someone to live for but Cas… Cas gave Dean life something that at the moment the blonde didn't feel like he had. 

Dean gave a beaming smile at Sam as he left for his "pie run" things had been gloomy the past couple of months since God had been taken down. 

The two were still getting used to not being controlled. 

The two didn't know what to do with their lives being their own. 

"Hey Jody," Dean mumbled through a smile. "I was in town and though I should stop by,"

"Oh really because Sam told me that he was worried about you and that you were on a beer run,"

"Yeah I-"

"The grocery store is the other way Dean," She began to shake her head as she opened up the door wider for him to come in. "Don't make me use my mom voice on you what's wrong,"


"Don't Jody me what the hell is going on?" She questioned. "Is it about Chuck? Is there another monster-"

"I just came to say hello look I'll just leave and be out of your-" Suddenly Jody was grabbing Dean's arm and doing something with his elbow. 

"I know when someone's suicidal," And before Dean could say anything else that's when he fell into a deep sleep. 

One that he woke up angrily from. "God dammit where the hell did you learn to do that?"

"I'm a sheriff and a hunter Dean I've learned tricks along the way," She mumbled through a laugh. 

"Sammy please just let me go I can explain,"

"You were going to leave me without saying goodbye!" Sam all in but roared, shocking his older brother. 

"It's not like that just please let me go I can explain,"

"Dean what the hell you took down God!"


Dean's screaming caught them off guard as Sam jumped out of his skin in shock and Jody had wide eyes. "Because everyone around me dies… I shouldn't have ever let him get close enough to love me,"

"He loved me?"

"It got him killed,"

"I'm sure-"

"No! ALRIGHT! You don't know! The empty gave him a deal to save Jack and his true happiness… When he was truly happy that's when he would-"

Dean got choked up on his words as a sob escaped his lips and his body shook with emotion. "Just please let me go," He murmured weakly, struggling against the ropes binding him to the chair. 

San and Jody gave each other a glance as they didn't know what the hell to do now.

Though before they even had the chance to say anything Jack popped up out of nowhere. 

"Castiel has single handedly taken down the empty,"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sam questioned. 

"To get out of the empty you need the angels blood,"

That's when all their eyes widened.

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