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Dean was careful now. He no longer risked his life on a daily basis. He didn’t put himself in harm’s way and he cared about himself more. He valued his life.

The eldest Winchester had someone at home waiting for him… Someone who loved him. Sure his brother always adored him and looked up to him. However, Dean had always been selfless for his brother’s protection knowing that Sam could live without him. Though the thought of Castiel living without him caused pain in his heart.

“You’re home later than usual,” Castiel murmured perking up at the sight of Dean coming through the door.

“I was driving safely,” Dean smiled causing the angel to beam a grin.

They sat down every night at the dinner table, even if Castiel didn’t eat he still accompanied his hunter. The blonde would always do the dishes with the angel hooked to his hip. No matter how many times the blue-eyed angel begged to do them Dean always got his way. It was the least he could do for Cas since he always made him dinner. The angel was actually an amazing chef, though he was still learning he had perfect a couple of amazing dinners with his spare time.

“I love you,” Castiel murmured drying a plate that Dean handed him.

The blonde sucked in a breath. Every time he heard the angel say that still felt like his first time hearing it. “I love you too Cas,” None of this felt real to Dean… He would have never imagined himself being here like this.

He had worked his ass off for this apple pie life… And he’d do it all again in a heartbeat.

The doorbell rang taking them out of their staring trance. Damn it, they could stare at each other for hours and it’d never get old. “I’ll get the door,” Dean sighed letting his hand drift down from Castiels cheek.

“I can get it you go shower,” The angel reassured causing Dean to glance at him reluctantly and then nod heading in the other direction.

When Castiel opened the door he was greeted by Sam, Eileen, and their daughter Charlie. “Theirs a hunt a couple of miles from here that we can finish by tonight can you watch her?” Sam questioned through his puppy dog eyes. Even if he knew that the answer was going to be a yes.

“Of course,” The angel smiled taking Charlie from Eileen’s arms. She was only one year old and was asleep. Since she was always asleep it was almost never an issue for Dean and him to watch her. It was a bonus how cute she is.

“Thank you we appreciate it,” Eileen was smiling giving Sam a nudge as she did so.

“We really do,” The youngest Winchester agreed. “Is Dean home?”

“He’s in the shower,”

“Dammit tell him I say hi,” Sam cursed causing the angel to chuckle.

“I will now you better go or you won’t be done by morning,”

“Thanks again Cas,” Sam waved glancing at Charlie one last time.

“It’s no problem!” Right as they go in the car Castiel closed the door and headed over to the couch with Charlie. “Looks like it’s just you and me,”

After Castiel watched whatever was playing on TV, he hestf Dean’s footsteps behind them. “Hey Cas what are-” Dean stopped mid-sentence a smile forming across his lips.

“Dammit, I missed Sam!”

“He said the same thing about you,” Castiel mumbled through a laugh as Dean plopped down on the couch next to the angel.

This woke Charlie as she began to cry.

“I’m sorry!” Dean exclaimed putting his hands up in defense as nothing was calming her from crying.

She’s had her dinner, her diaper is changed what the hell…

“Follow me! Hurry!” Dean exclaimed grabbing the Impalas keys from the key holder.

“Where are we going?” The angel questioned though the eldest Winchester never said anything as he pulled out of the driveway and began driving.

“What the-” Charlie began to stop crying as Dean smiled. “How did you know this?”

“I did this with Sam a couple of times… Though Sam was like seven or eight I thought this might work,” Dean shrugged causing Castiel to smile.

The angel leaned over a placed a kiss on Deans lips, the two of them glancing down at Charlie in awe.

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