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Right as the nail impaled Dean’s back… Dean knew what this was the end for him. He could feel it in his bones that this was it. All that time that he had spent looking for a job, hugging miraculously, messing with  Sam. It was all for nothing now. 

“It’s the only thing holding me together right now,” Dean explained the broken ness in his voice causing Sam to let out a loud sob. 

“You’re going to be alright… I’ll call an ambulance and get the first aid kit-” 

“S-Sammy don’t leave me,” Dean whispered, his voice cracking. “I’m fading here pretty quick,” 

Suddenly Sam was right in front of his brother sobbing as he touched from behind his brother and pulled his hand back with blood. He didn’t want to believe what his older brother was saying. They had finally gotten their lives back; this wasn’t supposed to happen…

“You’re… You’re not allowed to leave me,” Sam exclaimed through determination. 

“I’m… I’m never going to leave you, I'll always be-” Dean then raised a shaky and tired arm so that he could place his hand over Sam's heart. This caused Sam to choke out a sob. “Now let me look at you,” Dean then glanced at his brother up and down clearly in pain… He was terrified he didn't want his brother to leave him. 

Not without a proper goodbye… This had been the one time they didn’t plan for this sort of thing to happen. 

“I-I can’t do this without you,” Sam cried through sobs. 

“Of course you can,” Dean reassured as his forehead was pushed up against his brothers as they attempted to hug though it wasn’t really a hug as the younger Winchester knew how much pain his older brother was in. 

Dean was barely holding on at the moment… He knew he had to get the rest out. 

“Well… I don’t want to,” Sam cried, placing a hand over his brothers which rested over his heart. 

“My baby brother… The smartest kid who could take a life full of hunting monsters and turn it into a full ride to stanford… I love you… Bitch,” 

“J-Jerk,” Sam barely managed to get out before a loud sob escaped his lips as he desperately wanted to stay strong for his brother, however right when he saw a tear escape his brother's eye, everything in him broke. 

That’s when he felt Dean’s hand slip from beneath his… And his brother went limp from below him. Sam held his brother tighty and sobed and sobed until he no longer could and even then he still was broken. 

His older brother… Dean Winchester was gone. 

Even after he wanted to live… Even after he deserved a happy life- one that he hadn’t ever gotten. 

The first person Dean saw in heaven was Castiel. It was as though the trench-coated angel was waiting for him. “Well I’ll be damned Cast?” Dean questioned his heart swelling up at the sight of the angel. “How are you-” 

“Jack got me out. I've been helping him restore heaven,” Castiel explained as if it were no big deal. “Not anymore-” Suddenly Castiel was placing two fingers to Dean’s head. 

Memories Dean didn’t know that he had come rushing back. “You stupid son of a bitch! How could you sacrifice yourself like that… After everything-” 

“Um last time I checked you killed God,” Castiel pointed out, averting his eyes from Dean. “However you don’t deserve to be here so early,” Dean smirked at Castiel's snarky remark though his smirk suddenly faded as the angel had an angel blade in his hand now. “You deserve to live a happy life… Heaven will still be here waiting for you,” And before Dean could get out the rest Castiel was slicing his throat open. 

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