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Castiel let out a content sigh finishing all of his work for the day. He was current in the field behind his home staring up at the clouds. He adored his property and his home. His ranch home was far away from any other neighbors which is something that he adored sometimes he got overwhelmed with humans even if he did spend millions of years watching them.

His ranch had a wrap around front porch which he had grown to love along with a giant kitchen where he cooked anything honey in. Don’t even get him started on the bathroom, who knew that once you become humans you enjoy showering.

The raven-haired human began to hear the roar of an engine, as he knew that was the sound of the impala pulling up. Dean was home, and the blue-eyed man was thankful. He missed his green-eyed hunter, he could no longer pop in as he pleased, or watch over him without his knowing and make sure he was alright.

Though Castiel was happy he still got to watch over the blonde at night… By watch he means sleeps. Damn it human needs.

Castiel jumped up, said goodbye to his bee friends and sprinted with bare feet all the way to the front of the house. Which was actually a long way if you really think about it. He saw Dean getting out of the impala and grabbing a few things. After he was done in baby he slammed the door and turned to leave only to come face to face with his angel.

Dean smiled… He loved his oasis of a home- in the middle of nowhere. Where no one could hear or complain about the loud engine in his baby, or him and Cas singing sloppily.

Castiel leaped into Dean’s arms almost causing him to drop his things. Though he didn’t and remained standing gripping his angel tightly. He wanted to warn him that he smelled like motor oil alas it was already too late for that; and Dean was sure that he had grease on his face.

The raven-haired man pulled back staring at Dean with wide puppy dog eyes, causing the green-eyed man to stare back in confusion. Then his face twisted with something as he caught on to what his angel might say.

“No Cas we can’t have honey nut cheerios for dinner,”


“Obviously we need something with it!” Dean exclaimed through a grin as Castiel grinned as well leaning in and kissing the hunters grin off of his face.

Dean wrapped his arm around the angels shoulders as he lead them both inside and made way into the kitchen. He turned on a led zeppelin song on the radio in the corner as Castiel grabbed the honey nut cheerios.
“So what should we have with our cheerios?” Dean questioned causing Castiel to palace ah nd ohhs chin as he thought about it for a moment.

“How does honey glazed apple pie sound to you bee?”

“Heavenly,” Dean murmured his mouth watering at the thought as he got himself a glass of water and leaned on the kitchen counter lazily and tiredly. Castiel went into work and got out much earlier than him causing him to not be as tired. Though Dean liked to work, reminded him of hunting a tad bit only now he got more sleep which was something he had to get accustomed to.

“I thought I was supposed to “eat healthier”,” Dean joked causing Castiel to glare his way.

Ever since the angel had become human eating healthy was the least of his concerns. Honestly Dean thought the raven-haired man was trying to fatten him up or something.

“That’s when I was an angel… I have now realized how difficult that is,” Castiel laughed through a mouthful of cheerios.

Dean laughed coming up behind Castiel and putting his arms around him. “I would love to help you with that pie angel,” He smiled kissing his jaw.

Castiel smiled turning around in Dean’s arms to face him. After that they got to work on the pie and that’s how the ended up freshly showered in bed with two slices of pie. Life was good… No scratch that life was perfect.

Their window was open letting in the fresh air and rays of the sunset, as the birds chirped outside. 

Castiel found Dean asleep with his face nuzzled in his side as he smiled widely a the hunter. Knowing that this was his perfect little life- all thanks to one empty deal that caused the two of them to defeat god save the world and get their apple pie life.

A deal that without they would have never confessed their love to one another.

It was worth it.

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