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When Castiel came in the door bright and early on working with grocery bags hanging on his arms he found Dean and Jack on the couch. 

They were both wrapped together by a blanket as both Jack and Mr. Fluffykins was in Dean's lap. Then there was Miracle also squeezing her way onto Dean as well. 

Castiel never thought that he would ever see the day that Dean let out his caring side. A side that Castiel had only saw when they were together, and back then it was rare. 

Now there was no worry, no fear in Dean's features. No fear of dying and no will to die, he was finally happy and free. He didn't worry about getting close to people or letting his guard down. 

The world was saved and in saving the world Dean neglected to realize that he also saved himself. 

Castiel smiled as they both turned his way, Miracle coming over and toppling him in a hug, he could see that Jack was wearing his scooby doo pajamas by the top of his shirt covered by the blankets.

He smiled at them heading toward the kitchen where he heard the faint sound of scooby doo on the screen. 

While Castiel was busy putting away the groceries, he felt a presence behind him then two arms snake around his waist and a kiss on his neck. 

"Mornin' angel you're up early," Dean whispered letting go and helping with the groceries. 

"Well I don't sleep so I thought I might as well go early so that I could get stuff for breakfast- how do waffles sound?" Dean smiled a wide smile as he began to put away the other groceries. 

"Sounds heavenly," Dean joked as he opened up the fridge. 

Castiel couldn't help yet to admire what was his. A shirtless man in hot dog pajama pants who would have ever imagined. 

Castiel laughed at the mere thought of monsters being afraid of such a cuddly man. Though the only time Dean was ever terrifying was if him or Sam got hurt. 

What a protective cuddly buddy. 

"Mr. Fluffykins!" Dean exclaimed, grabbing the cat off the counter and putting him back on the floor. 

Jack was sitting at the island now, and had obviously been the one to put the cat on the counter. 

He was finally getting tall enough to get onto the stool alone though he fell a lot. Jack got off the stool and began to pet the cat. 

Castiel continued putting away the groceries with a smile across his lips. Suddenly though he felt a tug at his pant leg.

"What is it?" Cas questioned sinking to Jack's level though that was when he was wrapped in a tight and warm hug.

"I mwised yous," Jack admitted through a toothy grin. 

"Well I'm here now and next time I'll take you with me so that you can pick out something,"

"Yesh!" Jack exclaimed through a grin as Castiel smiled lifting Jack up into his arms and going toward the exit of the kitchen. 

"Waffles will be done soon!" Dean smiled as he watched the two people he loved most walk out of the kitchen. 

When the waffles were done Dean found Castiel on the couch with Mr. Fluffykins on his lap. Jack was tucked under his arm and laying right across miracle. He still was smaller than her, and she adored it. 

"Waffles!" Dean exclaimed, setting them on the coffee table. Castiel reached for them only to cause Dean to swat his hand away, pointing toward his apron. 

Castiel laughed and kissed the chef. 

"There's a rock concert tonight," Dean explained as Castiel began to eat some waffles. 

"You want to go?" Castiel questioned through a smirk. 

"You read my mind,"

"I wears metalicas t-shirt!" Jack cheered causing Dean and Castiel to beam with smiles. 

Once they were down eating their waffles they tickled Jack, let him ride around on miracle for a little while and then got ready to go. 

First they got food, Jack showing off his t-shirt and trench coat to everyone that walked by. Finally they got to the concert Castiel and Dean swaying and singing to the music, Back was on Dean's shoulders. 

As it was one of the best nights of his entire life, he felt like he was flying. 

It was one that none of them would ever forget. 

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