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"Can you move the cat please?" Dean questioned as Castiel slid into bed next to him and Cas laughed at the sight of the cat on Dean's face.

Once Castiel removed the cat Dean spit out some fur causing the angel to laugh. Dean gave him the death glare. "One species short my ass,"

"Can we just go to sleep now?" Castiel questioned through puppy dog eyes as his pet the cat. 

"You don't even sleep,"

"Mr. Fluffykins and I like to snuggle," He reassured, causing Dean to sigh and give in. 

He couldn't lie and say that he didn't like to cuddle. After all his boyfriend saw through the macho man shield he put up. Telling Eileen how much of a teddy bear on the inside he was. 

It made him feel sick. He didn't want to be perceived this way but Castiel did something to him. Something that no one else could do. 

Dean quickly went over to Cas in the bed and laid his head on his chest. He made sure not to squish the cat with his body as he did so. Castiel made sure to run hands through Dean's hair as the blonde smiled his eyes beginning to go droopy and gradually close. 

Though not before he whipped out his gun from under the pillow and pointed it at the person entering their room. Even with Castiel by his side as his protector he could never be too cautious after all he learned a lot over the years. 

"Dean!" Castiel roared as they glanced at Jack who stood in the doorway. 

He was holding his talking teddy bear and his small blanket in the other that was trailing behind him. Chuck had drained his powers which had made him become human and a kid. 

He was only three now, it had been three years since everything went down. 

They were all happy now.

Jack lived with them and Sam and Eileen had their own place. They were the perfect family. 

"What's the matter?" Dean cooed Jack as he watched him wipe tears from his tired eyes.

"Another nightmare?" Cas questioned as Jack nodded sadly a frown across his lips as they quivered. 

"Well what are you waiting to get in here," Dean reassured, patting the space between him and Castiel, as Jack became excited and smiled, jumping up into the bed. 

"Mr. fluffykins!" He exclaimed through a wide smile as he began to run his small hands across the cat's fur. 

Castiel had taken a mental picture of this moment, as he loved every minute of it. He savored his little family and would do anything for them. 

That's how he ended up watching over Dean and Jack smushed into his side as Dean was the big spoon of Jack. It was adorable that My. Fluffykins was even the small spoon of Jack. 

Though when Dean woke up the next morning he was all alone in bed. He quickly reached for his robe only to find it gone. Castiel's trench coat was the next best thing. 

So that's when Dean showed up in the kitchen in Castiel's coat totally naked beneath except his scooby doo boxers. 

He found Castiel and Jack eating cookie crunch at the table. A smile formed across his lips as he gave them both a kiss on the head.

He then got some for himself because it was never too early for sugar. Though now he knew that he might have a chance of dying  from all of his bad habits and never in a million years did he think that he would ever say that. 

That's when he noticed that Jack was the one that stole his robe. "Robe stealer!" Dean exclaimed, causing Jack to giggle. 

It was way too big on him no doubt though Dean couldn't lie. Jack looked much cuter in it. 

"If it makes you feel any better he slipped three times trying to get here, I had to put him on my shoulders,"

"Oh did you now?" Suddenly that's when Dean was lifting Jack up and tickling him all over. 


Castiel smiled at the two of them, knowing that he would give up the whole world for them. 

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