"Angelic power,"

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Dean Winchester was dead. 

Everything died with him… No one would ever remember his legacy in one hundred years. No one knew that he saved the world or that he killed hitler. 

He was terrified. He didn't want to be in this place. Last he checked heaven wasn't all that exciting. He wanted to be with his brother, he wanted to live a life and get a job just like Cas wanted. After all he had Miracle he was close.

And yet just like that the rig was ripped from beneath him. 

When Dean got to heaven he cried. He cried like a baby. He wanted to be back with his brother and he wanted to live. He had done all of that just to die. 

Then he saw Bobby. The old drunk gave him a beer and explained how things were. Answered Dean's questions about how Bobby was in his heaven. 

Heaven is a second earth. Everything is the same except there was no evil, no pain, no disease. Only life. You have everything that you've ever wanted at the edge of your finger tips. How fucking awesome is that?

Then Bobby told Dean that Castiel was here. That he helped do all of this. The blonde stood up and instantly went to his car. 

"Dean! Dean, wait!" Bobby exclaimed however it was too late. 

Dean had his hand on his chevy door, his flannel flowing behind him as he quickly got in. He was going to drive around and find Castiel… After all he had quite a while before his brother would be here. 

The blonde knew exactly where he was going… And if this were the same as earth he knew how to get there.

Carry On My Wayward Son began to blast through the seekers of the Impala as Dean quickly turned it up loud. 

He loved this song. 

After a couple of hours Dean was finally where he wanted to be. He loved driving his baby however he was eager to get out. 

The barn was in worse shape then he left it… Though Dean smiled at the faded warding on the outside. He smiled at the memories of the place.

This after all was the place that he had first met his best friend. 

"Cas…" Dean whispered, collapsing to the middle of the barn on his knees. He felt the exact way he did in purgatory, alone, terrified, and broken. "I know you can hear me and I-I need you," Dean's voice began to crack as he knew this was totally different from purgatory. 

He was going to say it this time.

"I'm not sure where you and why you haven't called but I-" Suddenly there was a whoosh of wings startling Dean as he saw a trench coat standing in front of him.

"Hello Dean," Castiel mumbled as Dean stood on his feet facing the angel. 

"C-Cas," Dean whispered as before the angel could reply he was being wrapped in a hug. "I'm so glad you're back… Why didn't you come to see us man! Sam and I have been-"

"I was scared…" The angel admitted. "I didn't think I was going to get out of there,"

"You stupid son of a bitch! Of course you were going to get out! I was going to find a way… Because… You had me the entire time you dumb ass! You had me the entire time, you always had me! I was going to tell you in purgatory but I never got the chance… I never got the change to- well what I'm trying to say is that I love you to Cas… I love you too and you have me-" Dean was blah King and fumbling with the hem of his flannel.

Never in a million years would he have thought that he would be doing this. Yet here he was confessing his love to an angel. 

And yet he was, and now Castiel's lips were on his own. They were free, they were finally together. And Dean Winchester was still himself… Still beautiful. Castiel, the same handsome angel Dean had fallen in love with. 

Things were too good to be true. "I love you to Dean and I'm sorry I'm sorry for not telling you,"

"Y'know what it doesn't matter anymore," Dean reassured them, their foreheads still pressed together. "You're here now and that's all I give a damn about,"

"I-I didn't think you'd ever feel the same,"

"You could have just told me Cas… We could have figure it out together,"

"And now you're dead… What did you do this time assbutt?"

"Vampire hunt who would have ever guessed," Dean whispered, stroking Castiel's cheek as the angel frowned. 

"You deserve better than this Dean come on,"

"Cas where are we going?" And suddenly that's when Castiel zapped them to a doc on the beach. 
"What are you-"

"I'm going to give you the most out of heaven," The trench coated angel reassured. "Because you're the most caring-"

"I know Cas… You already told me I'm not going to forget, you're still my Guardian angel Cas whether I'm alive or not," Dean reassured as Castiel smiled and with a flick if his wrist fishing poles were in their hands. 

Damn this place was awesome. 

Dean and Castiels honeymoon only lasted two weeks. They were inseparable, every time Cas had to do angel things Dean would pout. They lived in the bunker together, it was the exact same. They did whatever they wanted, whether that be teaching Castiel how to bake or dancing in the halls. Screaming song lyrics at the other, or taking showers together. Swimming in the lake, or simply cuddling in bed. 

Then all of that changed. One night Castiel came back from his angel things. Dean was about to hug and kiss the angel all over. However he noticed how bubbly and happy the angel seemed. 

"What?" Dean questioned not helping the smile that appeared across his lips as well.

That was the best day of Dean Winchester's life to say the least. Jack figured out how to make Dean and angel. Him and Cas were able to go back to earth together. 

They were able to live as an entity together on earth. Saving people and hunting things. They-

"Jerk," Sam whispered into Dean's shoulder, tears in his eyes. 

"Bitch," Dean whispered back. 

Damn had he missed his baby brother… Though they both knew that they would never be apart for too long. 

Dean and Castiel are two Angels… A power duo a force to be reckoned with. Sam and Eileen, angelic havoc. Jack the power of all God.

Team free will.

And unstoppable, force.

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