"Stupid Son Of A Bitch,"

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Dean wasn’t dead but he might as well be. His big win was gone… His best friend is gone. And even if he had defeated Chuck it still wasn’t worth it. Everyone close to him was gone. His brother broke the same as him… Though at least Sammy had Elieen. 

Dean Winchester was left with no one. Castiel had promised him that he would be there for him. Promised Dean that everyone would be gone except him. And now Dean was left all alone. Still Dean Winchester… Still beautiful and still alone. 

The blonde hunter tried his best at a normal life. Sam and him hadn’t been on two many hunts in the weeks that followed Jack becoming God. Sam already had a job and Eileen had already moved in. It was nice, when Dean got to wake up to breakfast with Miracle. 

Though something was missing and the green-eyed man knew that. Something was wrong, his heart still hurt. Even if they had defeated the big bad… Even if they were finally free and unruled by fate. Even if his brother still remained alive, and there was no more worrying. Even if he could finally have a normal life Dean simply didn’t want to. 

Because there was one piece to the puzzle that was still missing… One person that had been ripped from his grasp. 

“Cas,” Dean whispered every night he would be plagued by nightmares, screaming for his best friend to come back. 

He couldn’t go on without him… He didn’t want to go on without him. 

Dean couldn’t get any sleep. He went to Jody for help and she gave him some meds. However they still didn’t work… No matter how many times she had to use her mom's voice to get Dean to sleep. 

He couldn’t go to his brother for help anymore. His brother was finally free and he sure as hell wasn’t about to take that away from him. The only thing that helped Dean at the moment was drinking… Even though he promised Jody, even though he wanted to live freely for Cas this was his only option. 

To numb the pain. 

So the moment Sam came to Dean and told him that he had found a hunt they were off. Dean didn’t care how easy or how hard the hunt was. He just wanted to get out of the bunker and do the thing that he loved. 

Saving people and hunting things. Back to the good old days with just him and Sam. 

“So Eileen needed some alone time because you’ve been up her ass or what?” Dean joked as Sam looked at his brother through wide eyes. 

“Jerk,” He barked out instinctively, causing Dean to laugh. 

“Bitch,” Dean exclaimed back through a small smile speeding up down the road. 

“There it is,” Sam smiled causing Dean to glance at Sam questionably. 


“You should be happy Dean… Everyone would want that,” 

“But I’m so close to Sammy to get him back,” Dean whispered, never meeting his brother's eyes. “I just need to-” 

“I thought Cas told us not to do anything else… I thought we were supposed to be done with all the spells and the-” 

“Well we’re still hunting aren’t we?” 

“That’s different,” 

“We know about all the things that go bump in the night! We’re best friend with the queen of hell I don’t think the universe would mind-” 

“Dean he’s gone alright! It’s been a year! If we haven’t found anything now then I don’t think we will,” 

“What are you talking about? It's only been a few…” Dean didn’t get out the rest before he let out a puff of air at the realization hit him like a rock to the face. 

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