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The pic is me during the finale enjoy!

"Dean," Castiel mumbled through a sigh of relief as the two of them collapsed into each other's arms. 

"I'm sorry… I'm so sorry I tried everything to get you out I-"

"Jack got me out," Castiel reassured through a small smile. "To save you- no Dean you can't-"

"Cas don't read my thoughts I-"

"You love me?"

"I love you Cas," Dean reassured tears in his eyes as he knew that he was covered in blood yet healed. "I'm not going to leave you,"

"T-Then why would you try-"

"I was scared- I was scared to live without you," Castiel had his mouth gaped open in shock as he went to go say something out of confusion. "You stupid son of a bitch how the hell could you leave someone after saying that to them,"

"Because I wanted you to know… I thought that was my last chance to tell you and I couldn't let Billie…" Castiel trailed off at the end, a lump forming in his throat. "You can't leave now,"

"I'm not going to leave you Cas-"

"No more thinking about that no more thoughts,"

"Cas I think it's impossible not to have thoughts," Dean mumbled through a laugh as this only caused Castiel to smile letting out a low chuckle. 

"So you… You love me?"

"How the hell is it so shocking? Cas I was trying to tell you for a while now I just… I didn't know how,"

"I love you too Dean," This caused the hunter to smile at the angel as everything in this moment has come back to him. He finally had his angel back,someone whom he needed. 

Whom he didn't want to live without.

Sam was everything to Dean he gave him a reason to live. Castiel on the other hand showed Dean how to live. 

Dean was smiling now as the raven-haired man was smiling back as they were on the ground of the barn they met in each other's arms. They were covered in blood and yet they didn't care.

To them they were the only two people in the world.

And right as their lips were about to lick there was the sound of something falling from behind them. Dean turned around and saw Sam with the first aid kit on the ground.

He was shocked that his brother was alright however also relieved to see him with Cas. 

"Dean Cas I how?" Sam mumbled tears in his eyes as he looked the both of them up and down. 

Though Dean didn't respond as he pushed husk lip's against Castiels. "Cas came and saved me,"

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