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"It should be you in there not him,"

"You're the reason your mother died,"

"He got hurt because of you,"

"More people died because of your mistake,"

Those didn't hurt Dean… Well at least not in comparison to one of the last things his father ever said to him. 

"You should have died instead of your mother!" John exclaimed whirling with anger. 

Dean knew better though he knew to keep his head down and keep his distance.  However, the blonde knew what was coming, and he also knew that Sam could hear from the other room. 

It pained him every time he thought about it.

He knew this was one of the leading reasons that Sam left. Though Dean had protected his brother all these years from their father Sam had never seen the world of the man. Either he was too young to remember or Dean was simply a human shield. It seemed like a small price to pay at the time although now he was still being haunted by the events. 

Of being Daddy's blunt little instrument. 

Because no matter how much the man hurt him mentally or physically Dean still had a blind faith in the man. Maybe it was blind faith that he would kill yellow eyes or maybe that he would become the father that the two of them needed. 

Though nothing ever changed. 

Except in his dreams did Dean get the ending I with his father he deserved whenever Castiel would notice him stirring and being in pain he would whisper enochian in Dean's ear. After that Cas would usually appear in his dreams and John would just stop frozen and Dean would be left to wake up.

Other times John wouldn't stay and Dean would have to wake up with a start. Though his time was new this time Castiel had appeared in his dream and stopped John's fist from hitting him in the eye.

"Cas," Dean murmured, burying his face into Castiel's chest. 

"I know Dean I'm sorry," The blue-eyed man apologized holding the weeping man tightly. 

"You save me everytime angel," The shaking man reassured, taking in a deep breath. 

"I wish I could use my powers to stop them like I used to," Cas murmured through a sigh. "The enochian only calms you down it doesn't take them-"

"I'm fine," Dean reassured though Castiel knew that the blonde was lying. That he was most certainly not fine and that he was still plagued by terrors and nightmares and was still fragile. 

"No you're not that's why…" Castiel didn't want to get out the rest as he knew that Dean wouldn't trust him as much once he told him. 

"You what?" Suddenly Dean was sitting up a sense of urgency in his eyes. 

"Sam and I, we may have paid a visit to your father to see if he's changed and since he hasn't, we…"

"Put him in hell," Jack shrugged popping into the room causing Dean and Castiel to leap out of their skin. 

"What the hell Jack!"

"Since I can't take away your pain not messing with humans anymore like Chuck and I can only change heaven I thought that I-"

Dean ran a hand down his face. "I didn't want this… Yeah he deserves it but it feels wrong,"

"I'm not going to let you be the caring Dean Winchester at this moment because there is no way that he is getting out of hell,"


"He told you to rot in jail just for trying to feed your brother!"

"How did you-"

"Don't worry Sam told me all that he remembers"

"Thank you guys I-" Dean let out a small weep burying his face in his hands. "I just don't know what to say,"

"You're welcome," Jack reassured through a small smile getting into bed with the two. "Can we sleep now?"

The two of them nodded. Jack went from I don't need sleep a while ago, to, being God is challenging. Dean and Cas didn't mind after all he was their son. 

And after that Dean slept nightmare free the rest of the night. 

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