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Dean and Castiel sat in the impala together, simply enjoying eachothers company. Then suddenly it turned into their daily habit, on bitter dark nights when Sam was asleep and it was just the two of them. 

Most nights they would just be staring through the windshield at the stars, however one day when Cas got into the car Dean leaned back listening to his favorite song. 

Highway to hell.

A song which he played almost everytime Castiel was in the car. Next thing the angel knew it he was singing along, never missing a beat nor a word. 

Dean looked at him out of admiration, a large smile beaming his face. Once the next song came on Castiel stopped looking over and staring at Dean with a wide smile across his face as well. 

The next song was slower. I can't fight this feeling anymore. Dawn couldn't help it when his head rolled to the side and laid on his best friend's shoulder and let out a yawn. 

Castiel reached over and turned down the music as they sat there together in silence once again. Dean falling into a nightmare, less sleep- unknowing that Castiel was the only reason why. 

When the two weren't on hunts, they would rotate beds and determine whose turn it was to host their movie night. Dean would always bring Castiel a beer even if it did nothing to him.

Then one night Castiel never left Dean's bed when he fell into a deep slumber. Although the raven-haired angel wanted to there was some invisible force keeping him there. 

Then one night their separate beds turned into one bed. Though that's how their argument occurred. 

"I thought I could stay here and make sure you don't have any nightmares,"

"You're right I haven't had any nightmares lately," Dean thought out loud causing the angel to smile with pride. "But this doesn't mean you can stay,"

"But-" Castiel was heartbroken he couldn't even get out words as all that came out of his lips were angry words of enochian.

"Because I…" Dean trailed off at the end shaking with fear as he backed out of the bed putting his hands over his face. "I can't,"

"Dean are you alright?" Castiel questioned worriedly not caring if Dean was somewhat angry with him Castiel just wanted to make sure he was alright. 


"No you're not what is it?"

Dean with a shaky hand turned around and lifted up his shirt revealing some scars on his back. "From hunts I already knew you had them remember I rebuilt you in hell," Castiel reassured through a shaking of his head. "I understand why you have them and it's not a bother it's from saving the world they're-"

Dean shook his head and finally turned around to face the angel. There were tears in his eyes, as his continued to shake his head. 

"Some of them most of them… Aren't from hunting," Dean murmured his voice barley audible. 

"Your father," Castiel mumbled his voice clouded with hurt as he read Dean's thoughts. 

The hunter nodded his lip quivering with fear. "He found out that I liked…"

Castiels lips were parted forming an "O" shape as he runs slides what Dean meant. "And he did this because you-"

"I like Men and Women… Well I did but now I only-" Though before Dean could say anything more a wish of angel wings could be heard and then Dean realized that Castiel was gone. 

He sunk to his knees and out his face into them. At that moment Dena had Fisher that he had never spilled his deepest darkest secret- even if it was to his best friend. 

The person whom he trusted most. 

Ten minutes later Castiel came back to find Dean still on the floor with his face in his knees.

"Your father won't be bothering you anymore," Castiel explained starting Dean as he glanced up at the angel. "Not even in the after life,"

"I… What did you do?"

"He's in hell," Castiel mumbled through a shrug.


"Yes and I talked with ROWEENA, shell put him back in heaven once he has learned however he'll not be able to roam around," 

"Y-You did all of that for me?" Dean questioned in disbelief. 

"Well your father shouldn't have ever-" Though before Castiel could say anything more Dean was hugging him. 

"Thank you," He whispered through a cry. 

"That was why you've been scared correct?"

"He was angry when he found out I knew it for a long time and then one day he snapped," Dean mumbled through a shaky sigh.

"I'm sorry," Castiel mumbled. 

"It's not your fault if anything you've helped alot you…" Dean trailed off at the end. 

"I'm the only one you want to be with," Castiel whispered through a gasp reading Dean's thoughts. "You don't have to be scared anymore,"

"I'm trying," Dean mumbled taking a step toward Castiel. Suddenly that's when Dean pressed his lisp to Castiels softly. "Does that count as trying?"

"I think it does," Castiel smiled as he blushed. "Does this mean I get to stay?"

"Only if you promise not to leave me again,"

"I promise," And that's when their lips locked once again. 

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