"I want to live,"

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“Catstiel,” Dean glared as the cat jumped on his lap and tried to drink his beer.

“Dean that’s not his name!” Castiel exclaimed, taking a seat next to his husband under his arm and burying himself into his side with a bowl of popcorn.

“Fine… Steve don’t do that,” Dean hissed, holding his beer up high and in the doing of this almost spilling it.

Steve reminded Castiel of his human days, when he worked at gas n’ sip and didn’t have to worry about life. Though now the two of them no longer had any worries, just each other. No more worrying about the end of the world things were normal the way that Dean wanted them.

He never saw himself with Lisa and that’s because she wasn’t his partner in love and in hunting. This is how Dean always saw himself growing up, having an apple pie life with some hunting here and there. He would never get rid of saving people- even if most of the hunts ended up being humans, or many of the monsters became good.

“So tomorrow we’re hunting those vamps?” Castiel questioned causing Dean to nod enthusiastically.

“And dinner at Jodys on Sunday,” Dean pointed out, causing the raven-haired human to laugh. He always found it funny how the blonde craved her clam chowder; so much so that he liked to invite himself over all the time.

Though she didn’t mind, especially not if he brought Miracle man she loved that dog. Speaking of Miracle she was currently sprawled out across Dean’s lap with the cat in between her and Dean’s torso.

They were all snuggled up together like a happy family, watching a movie together just like most people do on Thursday night. Especially because they don’t have to work the next day. Castiel still had his job at gas n’ sip though he went by Cas now and Dean worked as a construction worker. Smashing things and lifting heavy was a great way for him to get out his constant built up anger. Then on the weekend they were monster hunters again.

The perfect Dean Winchester apple pie life. Sam and Eileen five minutes away. Jody a block away, Jack God and able to come in as he pleases.

His apple pie life that all came crashing to ashes.

“No… No no no,” Cas cried frantically taking off his trench coat and pushing it to Dean’s wound. When Castiel went to go leave to get something better and grab the car Dean pulled him back.

Dean was delusional, his eyes barely open. Castiel knew that would happen to someone who just took an angel blade to the stomach and had it ripped out. Stupid demons.

Castiel stayed there for a quick moment hovering over Dean and making sure that he would stay awake. Cas was running a hand through his hair and then felt a hand get placed on top of his… An already freezing hand.

“Your hair is so soft after you wash it,” Dean mumbled through a giggle as Castiel just glanced at him through wide eyes.

“You’re delusional Dean I’m going to go and get the car-” The blue-eyed man locked eyes with Dean’s which were full of tears and utterly terrified.

Castiel knew what this was- it was because Dean no longer wanted to die. He no longer was controlled by anyone that this was all his doing and no one else's. “You’re going to be alright, you’re not going anywhere,” The raven-haired man reassured knowing that’s something that Dean would say if he wasn’t in so much pain at the moment.

“I-I don’t… Want to- d-die anymore,” Dean’s words utterly broke Castiel.

The now human Castiel had to lift Dean up to get him into the passenger seat, something that he found much more difficult now that he didn’t have his angel abilities. The entire way to the hospital Castiel was cussing people out on the road and speeding way over the speed limit something that he hated doing, and once he finally got there he managed to keep Dean awake with loud Metalica blasting the Impala speakers.

They didn’t let the raven-haired man go all the way with Dean into the back room.

“I love you,” Castiel had called though never hearing a response.

He was alone in the waiting room, later Sam showing up, then Jody, Dona, Eileen, Charlie, Claire- the waiting room was full.

After awhile Castiel was finally allowed to see Dean however only one person could go. Sam reassured him multiple times that it was alright it he went first and reluctantly Castiel wen back quickly to Dean’s room.

After the fourteen hours most of them had been there insisting on staying. Dean was in bed eyes barley open as he turned toward Castiel and let out a small smile. “I told you you were going to be alright,” Castiel mumbled through small smile.

Castiel quickly scurried and hugged Dean gently not even realizing that he had tears falling from his eyes.

“I don’t want to leave you Cas, I want to live,” Dean explained into his shoulder.

“I love you,” Was all Castiel replied with unknowing of what to say.

“I love you too,” Dean replied as Castiel pulled back and kissed Dean.

Neither of them were going to leave each other any time soon.

“And you say I’m the stupid son of a bitch you jumped infront of a blade for me!” Castiel exclaimed as if it were obvious.

“You’d do it for me,” And those words shut the two of them up for good as after that they enjoyed each other's company.

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