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Castiel was the best thing to ever happen to Dean. 

He was the hunter's Guardian angel no doubt watching over him since he was five years old. Keeping him safe and killing any monsters that dared come Dean's way. 

However Castiel had been plagued with tasks and an opulent watch over Dean for the longest time until he was told to drag the hunter out of hell. 

That's when the two grew a more profound bond.

Dean had told Castiel about personal space however the angel never did learn… And Dean was alright with that. 

Castiel gave Dean Jack, the blonde no longer saw Lucifer; he saw how much the angel adored Jack. 

Castiel had given him someone to go on long car rides with when he was annoyed with his brother.  The angel had given him a hunting partner. 

However most importantly a best friend. 

A partner. 

One that was always there for him, whether Dean needed healing, company or even help with his nightmares.

Currently that's what Dean needed help with. 

Castiel had spent the entire night whispering enochian in Dean's ear and trying to keep him asleep. 

Though Dean still woke up three times with nightmares clinging to Castiel's chest. The hunter had already been through so much saving the world multiple times and yet he was still plagued by nightmares.

He was nervous for the next day. "Sam is going to be happy to see you he's going to be happy at what you decided,"

Though Castiel coming up behind Dean and wrapping his arms around him only caused his muscles to de-tense a little bit. Though not fully.

"You think? You think he actually wants to see me after I ruined his life?"

"Dean, both of us have told you of course he doesn't hate you! He chose the hunting life! He's happy he came back because the two of you saved the world he wouldn't have a life without you the world would have-"

"Yeah… Yeah… Yeah I just… I can't stop over thinking- I hope he isn't mad I put myself in danger again being a firefighter and all,"

"He's going to love it… After all if it keeps you from hunting then it's worth it,"

"Yeah but we still hunt on the weekends,"

"So do they," Castiel pointed out causing Dean to sign and turn toward him in his arms. 

"Alright," Dean sighed through a chuckle. "You win I'll stop worrying," That caused Castiel to smile and kiss Dean on the cheek. 

"It's going to be great I know you miss him,"

"I miss him like hell," Dean reassured. "I miss him like hell,"

Next thing Dean knew he was using a shaky finger to ring his brother's doorbell. Castiel gave him a reassuring glance however before Dean could return it with a nervous one Sam swung open the door and hugged his brother tightly. 

"Dean!" Sam exclaimed excitedly. 

"Hey Sammy," Dean smiled as they pulled away from their hug. "I missed you,"

"You did?"

"Of course I did,"  The blonde reassured.

"I don't hear you say that often," The youngest brother smiled through the widest grin possible it was then that he looked over his shoulder and saw Cas standing there. 

He raised an eyebrow. 

"Cas!" He exclaimed through the widest grin throwing his arms over the other man's shoulders and wrapping him in a warm hug. "I missed you too!"

"I missed your presence as well Sam… It has been a little lonely without the Guinea pig,"

"Hey you have me!" Dean exclaimed defensively. 

This caused Sam to look between the two of them.  "So the two of you haven't left the bunker yet?"

"No, we have alot to catch you up on," and that's when suddenly Dean became nervous again. 

Next thing he knew it they were at the dinner table, Eileen and Sam across from the two of them. There was silence after awhile of conversation, they were having a great time- but obviously they both had something to say. 

"Listen there's something I need to tell you," Sam and Dean said at the same time causing all four of them to glance at each other and burst out laughing. 

"Cas and I are dating,"

"Eileen and I are getting married,"


"Son of a bitch… Wait what?!" Dean aaked his eyes wide. "You knew?"

"We both knew the two of you had something going on," Eileen reassured. "Sam and I were your secret supporters,"

This caused Castiel and Dean's hearts to melt right ay that moment. "Hell the way the two of you look at eachother I'm surprised I didn't see it sooner," Sam laughed causing Dean to chuckle. 

"To the two of you getting married and finding eachother,"

"To Castiel making my brother the happiest he's ever been," That's when all their beers clanked together and smiles grew across their faces. 

"Now what do you all say we go on a hunt tomarrow together,"

"Sounds like one hell of a plan,"

"Alright then so get this…"

The only thought in Dean's mind, here we go again. 

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