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Dean and Castiel were alone in the impala. It was something the two of them did before Castiel had gone to the empty. Now that Cast is PC was back again here they were back to their old habits. And even if the raven-haired man was human now things were still the same.  

There was still a comfortable silence, and butterflies in the air. No not actual butterflies, as Castiel would out it- their feelings were radiating the air.  

He would also refer to the pizza man and say that sometimes the air could get a little thick.  

Though he doesn't know how air could get thick since- 

Suddenly before he knew it Dean was right aching into Castiel's trench coat pocket nwo pulling out the mixtape he had given Castiel years and years ago. His best friend had taken proper care for it that the thing looked practically brand new.  

Dean then popped it in, and on came the tunes. Though there was something special about this mixtape. Maybe it was the fact that this his how Dean's parents fell in love, Marry Winchester remembering all of John's favorite songs or that Dean was singing all of the songs instead.  

Dean wanted to add a personal touch, and much to his surprise his best friend actually enjoyed it. He actually began to remember the words even if he remembers so many things it's mind boggling.  

Castiel smiled at the Hunter next to him. It felt good to be back. As he stared at his best friend next to him he thinks of all the times they had sat in the impala in hotel parking lots just so that they could get away from Sam and be alone together- or maybe It was just for them to listen to the tape; then again it could have been all of those reasons.  

They never really said much those times I'm the car… Though things were about to change. 

When Dean walked into the kitchen the next morning he found Castle pouring Jack more orange juice. Damn God loved orange juice mad what a weird thing to say.  

Though Cas was humming an all to familiar song.  

Castiel smiled and joined in. The raven-haired man froze through a bush as Jack eyed the two of them. "I better give Sam his food!" Jack exclaimed through a wide smile.  

Jack had made Sam breakfast because the moose wasn't feeling well. Though as Jack left the room he quickly glanced back and smiled at the two remaining in the kitchen- avoiding each others personal space as always. 

"So…" Dean mumbled through a smirk going and pouring himself a glass of coffee. "Guess I'm rubbing off on you more than I thought," 

"We listen to it every night it's impossible for me not to hmm it," Castiel posted out taking a seat at the table Dean soon joined across from him.  

Knowing that Castiel liked his songs- just brought out a new emotion in Dean. It has been three days since Castiel had been back and he was always happier- they had won and now they were together again.  

Though they hadn't talked since Castiels return- at least not much. At first they thought that it was to enjoy eachothers company but now the two of them knew that it was to avoid some hidden feelings.  

"I missed you," Dean finally choked out staring down at his coffee. "It hasn't been the same with out you," 

"You won, that's what I wanted," 

"We won and it wasn't winning not without you here," 

"Dean," Castiel finally mustered up. "I missed you too," 

"Listen about what you said before… before what happened I-" Castiels chair scrapped against the tile below as suddenly he was standing and moving toward the door. "Cas stop wait! God dammit I feel the same way alright!?" 

"You do?" The trench-coated man whispered in shock as he never turned around to face the Hunter. 

"I love you too Cas," Suddenly this is when Castiel whipped around his trench coat flowing behind him as he took two large steps forward cupping Dean's face in his hands as he smashed their lips together.  

The blonde smiled into the kiss. Not only was his best friend back but they had won and they were able to be together again.  

Once their lips parted Castiel took Dean's hand in his and lead them toward the impala. There Dean took the mixtape out of his best friend's pocket and put it in.  

That being how the two of them were found not too long later, singing together. 

Enjoying each other and more importantly enjoying freedom.  

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