"Spn Walker Ending,"

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"I'm-" Though before Dean got out the rest he was tackled by Miracle in the doorway causing him to smile and take both her front paws in his hands. 

She always leaped up so that her front half was hugging him every time he came home. Dean then saw Mr. Fluffy patting her back, even if he wasn't happy that she was on the window next to his favorite bunker items. 

Though he no longer lived in Butler he still visited on weekends, sometimes even staying the night. Other hunters often stayed there when they had no other place to go. Him and Sam didn't mind though oftentimes the two brothers would stay there together to see each other.

The blonde slipped off his cowboy boots leaving them by the front door. He never knew if he was going to be needed again, he could be called at any moment. 

"Hey angel," Dean commented after leaning on the doorway and watching Castiel for a couple of minutes. This caused the former angel to leap out of his skin. 

"I didn't even hear you come in," Castiel commented holding open his arms as Dean plunged right into them. 

Castiel had a quick chance to glance over his lover. His cowboy hat, and ranger attire. Dean deserved to be what he always wanted. 

A cowboy. 

At first he was iffy on Castiel's whole idea, renovating this old farm house with their stolen credit card money and for Dean to train to be a ranger. 

At first Dean thought that he was crazy, but now he realized his lover was right. Though oftentimes with Dean being a "criminal" there were people who remembered him from the news. The bank shooter, Jack would always appear and wipe their memory. 

Turns out he did want to change things as God, after all he wanted what's better for his family. That also included coming and having dinner with Dean and Castiel every Sunday.

"Thank goodness you came home when you did," Castiel mumbled through a sigh. "Since I assign working at the diner today Sam asked me to watch Dean and he called me saying that he got into a fight at soccer practice and that I have to talk to the-"

"Damn," Dean laughed, pulling away. "Good luck,"

"This isn't funny Dean,"

"Yeah I know that's why I'm going with you, I mean Sam and Eileen spent the whole weekend tracking down that ghost and they are going to kill it and we have taken down God what could a principle possibly do?"

Though Dean couldn't be even more wrong. They took the impala, instead of their truck. And when they pulled up Dean took Castiels hands reassuring him that everything was going to be alright. 

They walked in Castiel holding the door for Dean causing the blonde to thank him. As they made way into the front office. The receptionist pointed to the back where down the hall there was a door that read principle. 

Castiel lightly locked on the door, as an angry voice told them to come in. Dean gulped giving his angel a small smile, as he knew that this wasn't going to end well. 

"Are you the guardians of Dean Leahy?" The principle questioned. 

"Two of them he has five," Castiel pointed out causing Dean to want to face palm himself. "Well seven if you count Jody and Donna they do see him almost twice a-"

"Please sit gentlemen we have-" Suddenly before the principal could get out the rest of what she wanted to say Dean was jumping in Castiels arms.

He buried his face into Castiels shoulder causing them to hear his soft sobs. "What did you do to him?" Dean all in but demanded Dean was his kid too, he was everyone kids and Sam and Eileen knew this they were always at eachothers homes all living near one another. 

They were all a happy family, Jack, Sam, Eileen, Cas, Dean, Dean, Jody, Dona, Claire. 

"He punched another student," The privilege blurred out her hands on her desk as she glanced at the two men infront of her. 

"He probably had a good reason!" Dean defended becoming angry. 

"Dean… Please talk to us," Castiel whispered rubbing the back of the four year olds head. 

Dean was becoming frustrated as Castiel made sure to place a hand on his arm just as the three year old in his arm came out of his shoulder.

He had a black eye. 

"Oh hell no if you think I'm going to let you get Dean in trouble when another student did that it him! Listen here bit- lady I'm a Ranger and this isn't allowed!" Dean all it but roared. 

"He hit first," Was all the principal had to say casing Dena to shake his head in disbelief. 

Dean wiggled out of Castiels grip and held out his arms to Dean who quickly took him. He then put two hands to Dean's ear and began to whisper in a shaky voice to them. 

"Listen lady-"

"Bee," Castiel warned stepping infront of Dean. "Listen I would just like to know- How the hell is your school open! Our family has been here five times in the past month over bullying EVEN THOUGH IT SAYS RIGHT OUT THERE THAT-"

"Alright alright we'll let him off with a warning but this doesn't change-" However before the principal got out the rest the two of them left. 

"Cas no more being bad cop," Dena laughed as they got into the impala, and strapped Dean into his car seat which they had almost forgotten. 

"Listen Dean…" Dean mumbled turning back to the still teary eyed four year old. "You're not a freak if you have three fathers, one brother, one sister and three mothers if anything that makes you pretty cool- I'd say the other kid was just jealous,"

Castiel laughed as Dean put the car in drive and drove out of the parking lot. 

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