"Job forms,"

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Dean had just finished filling out his job application form as Sam burst in the door of his room. Sam was breathing heavily with a wide smile across his face. Dean didn’t know why his brother was all of a sudden excited.

They had just been on one of their last hunts together… They were going to take it slow from now on. After all that would have been what everyone wanted for them. Right?

“Eileen has all of her things to move in,” Sam explained, still shaking with excitement.

“That’s great Sammy,” Dean whispered, turning around to face his brother, Sam was already peering over Dean’s shoulder as the elder Winchester got a face full of flannel once he turned.

“Your job application will have to wait… Once Eileen gets here we’re doing the spell,” Sam explained patting Dean on the shoulder causing Dean to suddenly stand up so that he could be face to face with his brother.

“What spell?” Dean questioned with a raised eyebrow, he thought that they were done hunting for the time being. That they would only go hunting once in a while… After all you never do leave the hunting life.

They knew that for certain. Hunting was like an addiction for the two boys and they couldn’t stay away from it for too long. They knew that. So they would satisfy that craving once in a while. On weekends and days off… Nothing wrong with that.

Suddenly they heard the bunker door open and close. Sam smiled hearing the soft footsteps of Eileen coming down the stairs. “She’s here!” Sam practically screamed sprinting out of the room causing Dean to sign and follow his brother.

“What the hell was it now?” He grumbled quickly turning back and grabbing his beer off his desk before continuing down the hall following his brother.

Once he got to the map room, he saw Sam taking a heavy box from Eileen and setting it on the table. They were talking about something until they heard Dean’s footsteps and quickly turned his way.

“Hey Dean,” They both said at the same time causing the couple to burst out laughing… Dean only chuckled though as he could feel the fear seeping into his veins at the thought of what his younger brother had been talking about moments before.

“It’s nice to see you again Eileen… I can’t begin to say how happy we are that you’re back and-” Before Dean could get out the rest he was hugging Eileen he didn’t know what came over him. “You make my brother very happy… Thank you for that,” Dean and Sam's eyes locked as Dean pulled away and smiled at his brother.

“Anyways… Sam, what were you talking about?” Dean questioned crossing his arms over his chest and turning toward his brothers.

“I thought he would have told you by now,” Eileen mumbled, shooting daggers at the younger Winchester who instantly crumbled under her gaze.

“Alright… So I uh may have a way to bring Cas back even though I know you don’t want to be doing any of that stuff anymore but I kind’ve have it all figured out-”

“You what!?” Dean roared looking at Sam like he had two heads. “What the hell will Jack say about this? He wanted things to be normal and I thought-”

“I can’t bring back Castiel but you can,” Jack explained from behind him causing Dean to whip around and face God.

“I thought you weren’t-”

“I got him to change his mind,” Sam explained, rolling his eyes as Dean’s reaction. “Cas he doesn’t deserve this… And if you thought for a second that I was going to live with myself seeing what his death had done to you-”

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