"Honey I'm home,"

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The sound of his phone vibrating against the floor was the only thing that could be heard across the night as Dean leaned against the wall with his knees up to his chest. This was obviously a position for someone to be sitting in when they are at their weakest no doubt. 

He pulled fingers at his hair as he wouldn't often look up teary eyed as if to make sure that everything was real… That his best friend was really gone. 

He couldn't reply to his brother's calls m… Hr couldn't even thing straight at the moment. Dean Winchester was left nothing less of lost. 

The green-eyed man would always be waiting for his angel to return to him. 

However after an entire night of unmoving Dean was stiff. His voice was rough and raw from sobs, there were dried tear stains down his cheeks. His hair remained a mess and his clothes were smelly stained with a single bloody handprint. 

A hand print that meant too much to him. 

He knew if he looked at it he would break. So it was easier just to simply not take the jacket off.

That's a piece of cake.

Dean Winchester arrived looking just like that. Well the hours and hours of the car ride to Jack and Sam didn't help.

The blonde had actually taken longer than expected, he couldn't help it. There were times that he had to pull over just to regroup himself. 

His best friend was gone and there was a hole inside him. And jut the thought of Chuck seeing him like this drove him insane. 

Dean leaned on the impala for support as Sam and Jack began to question him. Without Castiel Dean Winchester couldn't stand anymore he was left weak. 

The impala was dirty Sam knew all too well that represented his brothers feelings. After all if Dean neglects himself then he neglects his car as well.

"Dean," Sam exclaimed catching his brother before he fell Dean ignored him obviously drunk though not drunk enough to where he didn't know what was happening.

The eldest Winchester only knew one way to handle pain after all. 

"I'm sorry Jack… I'm so sorry," Dean made the mistake of trying not to glance at him however he then heard Jack take in a shaky breath and couldn't help yet to look at his heart broken son. 

Dean broke down right there alomg with Jack pulling him into a dangerously tight hug as he did so.

As he glanced down at Jack he saw a son- Castiels son. 

One that Castiel died trying to protect. "He saved me… H-He saved the world,"

Castiel is a hero, we're the last thoughts in Dean's mind before the alcohol took over. 

"You're not alright," Sam pointed out as Dean and him sat in the front seats of the imply while Jack slept im the back. 


"You're not telling me something, it's bothering you-"

"Sam enough alright let's just go-" though before Dean could get out Sam placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Tell me,"

"Cas loved me," Dean all in but blurted never trying back his brother as the realization of what came out of his lips made everything ten times more real. "That's why I'm going to get him back,"

Next thing the two brothers knew they were standing right infront of Chuck. Dean demanded that he bring Castiel back only to be laughed at.

Though he then brought back out his secret weapon.

"You're going to-?"

"We're the last humans on earth warded against you of we blow up your meat suit you won't have one anymore you'll-"

"Do you know how stupid that sounds?" Chuck questioned as Dean held the Grande launcher at him. 

"Oh yeah we know," Sam mumbled as Dean fired it causing Chuck to explode though not entirely it was like he was grenade proof. 

"Jack now!" and that's when Jack emerged from the bushes putting his hands on Chucks head. 

That's when suddenly the sun began to shine, and they heard cars on the road in the distance. Things were back to normal.

Chuck dropped to the ground, pleading for assistance. However Sam and Dean looked at eachother and shook their heads. 

"To be killed by the ultimate killer Dean Winchester,"

"You see someone told me that's not who I am and I believe them," Those were the last words Chuck ever heard Dean Winchester say.

So the three boys were heading off back too the bunker happily. Classic rock was blaring and of course there was singing. 

They waved to other people just happy to no longer be the only ones on the earth. 

When Dean got out of the impla and walked over to the bunker he took in the fresh air he wanted enjoy this moment of freedom. 

Of victory. 

He then opened up the bunker door and screamed. "Honey I'm home,"

Though he didn't expect to get a response. "Hello Dean,"

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