"Bloody," Part Two

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"I can save Cas," Jack explained as if the whole world needed to hear. "Dean please tell me you haven't washed your-"

"The jackets in the trunk I can go get it if someone unties me," The blonde all in but hissed his voice raspy, as with a snap of fingers Jack let him free. 

"We're sorry I-"

"It's alright Sammy… You thought you were doing the right thing," Dean avoided Sam's eyes as he walked out of Jody's house and to his beloved car. 

He opened up the trunk and cringed at the sight of his used to be favorite green jacket- now it brought him nothing but pain and horror. 

There on the shoulder held a blood hand print one that meant so much more than what it seemed. Because underneath was where Dean's scar was held- the score that Castiel had given him when he saved him the first time. 

The raven-haired man had given him a second one after saving him once again. Just the thought caused the blondes heart to swell.

Dean felt a hand on his shoulder as someone pulled him around and into a hug. Dean knew that it was Sammy right away. 

"Don't you ever do that again Dean you gave me a heart attack!" Sam explained through a cry. "I can't live without you,"

"Yes you can,"

"Well I don't want to alright? I won't be happy because after everything and saving the world you deserve this Dean,"

"I don't know how to live," The blonde admitted nervously scratching the back of his neck. 

"Are you ready boy's?" Jody questioned coming over to them. "Jack is in there starting some sort of ritual,"

"I'm sorry Jody," Dean apologized. "We should have taken this back to the-"

"Nonsense! Cas is family so get your asses in there and let's save your angel,"

Dead blushed when she said your and Sam wiggled his eyebrows. 

"Um Jack…" Sam whispered, handing him Dean's jacket. "What is all this?"

"We're summoning Cas with his blood," Jack explained as if he had already said it a billion times though none of them had imagined it would look like this: a blue large flame on Jody's table in a small bowl. 

"You had his-"

"I got some from Sam since he has healed you before,"

"What no you didn't,"

"You just didn't know it was easy really," Sam looked stunned as Dean only chuckled. 

"So you're sure this will work?" Dean questioned going over to Jack's side and staring at the flame skeptically. 

"Yes," Was all Jack said back as Dean only nodded as Jody gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"I told you we'd find a way," This caused Dean to smile finally he was about to get his big win.

Next thing Dean knew they were summoning Castiel. 

"So how does getting Cas back get us the empty Dead?" Jody finally questioned Jack shocking the  Winchesters as they realized that they were never told. 

Jack put Dean's coat in the blue flame. "Because the empty is caught, in the lore it says that if the empty is ever caught in the act of a deal like a demon it can be killed,"

That still didn't make sense to any of them but they took Jack's word for it and that he knew what the hell he was talking about.

Next thing they knew it Castiel was standing in front of them. Trench coat in all. Dean let out a laugh shocking the others as he shook his head. 

"Damn I can't believe we got you back buddy one last time," Castiel beamed a wide smile at all of them. 

"B-But how the only way to get me out was-"

"The powers of God and blood… Well we had both of those," Sam glanced at Jack as Castiel smiled. 

It was a proud smile as Jack hugged him tightly.

Then Sam and Jody hugged Castiel and last but not least it was Dean's turn. 

"Cas…" Dean was now crying instead of laughing as he  walked closer to the angel. 

Then before he knew it he was pulling him in for a tight hug. The only thoughts in Castiels mind were how terrible Dean looked and how much he had changed over their time apart he was obviously in grief with bags under his eyes. 

Yet still beautiful still Dean Winchester.

"Hello Dean," Castiel mumbled into Dean's shoulder. "How are you?"

"I love you… Of course I love you," Dean blurted out unable to hold it in anymore. "Dammit you're a stupid son of a bitch,"

Castiel smiled at Dean's words and chuckled. "I didn't think you felt the same way,"

"You really think that someone could be your true happiness and not feel the same about you?"

castiel nodded his head yes as Dean shook his head through a chuckle. 

"You're a stupid son of a bitch… but you're one that I missed," and that was when the two were on eachothers arms again. 

Because they had been apart too long.

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