"Dean Cave,"

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Too much heart was always Castiel's problem. 

The first person to ever be in his charge was, Dean, and he always neglected the hunters personal space. Then there was Sam, someone who taught him most of the things he now knows. 

Then Jack came along, and who knew that he would mean so much to the angel. 

"I drained my grace trying to go against Chuck to… To save Jack," Castiel's voice became weary at the end. 

He couldn't even look at the two hunters infront of him. He didn't want too as he could feel the hurt clouding his voice, as his lips quivered. 

"You're crying," Sam whispered causing Deans breath to hitch. 

"I-I can't help it," He murmured his voice shaky as he took in vivid breaths.

"Hey… No Cas it's alright," Dean reassured as Cas felt a hand get placed on his shoulder his muscles instantly tensed though once he realized who it was he began to relax. 

"I'm becoming human," Was all the raven-haired man managed to get out. 

"Damn we're sorry Cas we had no idea,"  Sam mumbled sympathetically. 

"Well I mean I guess it's not like I haven't been before,"

"It was hell for you but listen you're allowed to stay here we have plenty of burritos and pb and Js for you," Dean reassured removing his hand from his shoulder. 

"I am sensing some guilt…" Castiel murmured whipping his cheeks with his palms. "You thought you were doing the right thing- that's what you tell me,"

"You're right," Dean murmured sheepishly scratching the back of his neck. 

"Well Cas is your taste back yet? Because I'm about to go make lunch so if you want a peanut butter and jelly-"

"Yes please," Castiel whispered thankfully. "Thank you,"

"It's the least we could do for you after all you were more of his father than any of us," Sam pointed out causing the angel to smile a small smile. 

"He's right y'know," Dean mumbled once Sam left.  "Jack actually had a father because of you,"

Castiel didn't say anything as he glanced up at Dean with glossy eyes. "Thank you Dean that means alot to me,"

The blonde nodded running fingers through his hair. "I miss him," Dean pointed out through a sigh. "Right now I'm sure he would be hugging you," 

Suddenly that's when Castiel felt two arms wrap around him. "I should have saved him I'm sorry,"

"Chuck manipulated you-"

"He's dead because of me,"

"No he's not everything is because of Chuck and that's why he's… As you put it going down," This caused Dean to chuckle as he smiled at the angel. 

"Thanks Cas… Though I should be the one comforting you,"

"We both lost him and that's why we're going to get him back,"

"You have a plan?" Dean inquired. 

"I always have a plan though it may be a stupid one," Dean's laughter filled the room as their glasses of beer clanked together. 

"I almost couldn't find you guys," Sam mumbled through a laugh. 

"Sorry Sammy the Dean cave was more comfortable,"

"Scooby doo really?" The moose gave each of them their sandwiches before throwing his hands up in the air out of exsasperation. "I hated it there,"

"It didn't seem like you hated kissing Velma," Dean wiggled his eye brows at his brother as the younger brother stormed out. 

Dean's laughs filled the room again along with Castiels as scooby doo was suddenly a drowned out sound. 

The blonde always seemed to have a better time with Castiel around. 

"We should wait to tell Sam the plan," Dean mumbled through a sigh leaning back in his recliner.

"If it's that stupid I-"

"No," Dean mumbled putting up his hand im defense. "We're stupid alright Sam and I we make dumb decisions all the time this sounds exactly like all three of us,"


"So you're turning human now eh?"

"Yes all of my grace is fading it is too weak to regenerate,"

"So do you remember what that's like?"

"I hate urinating and sleeping- and toothpaste is not very good,"

"It's not supposed to be good it's for your breath,"

"That's why the lady looked at me weird when I bought five tubes,"

"I'm surprised you didn't die,"

"I did but I was brought back," Castiel pointed out causing Dean to laugh. 


"So you can feel now huh?"


"What are you feeling?"

"My mind hurts," Castel explained letting out a puff of air. "And why does my stomach feel tingly,"

This caused Dean's eyes to widen. "Like one thousand butterflies are in it?"

"Yes how did you-" Suddenly Dean was touching the angel.

"What do you feel now?"

"Like we're electrifying eachother,"

"Shit Cas," Dean mumbled letting his hand fall to the side. 

"What? Am I sick? I read about this some where-"

"You're in love,"

"With who?" Castiel all in but roared a hand over his mouth in shock. "I only know Sam, Jack, some Angels… You," Castiel froze as his words trailed to Dean. 

Dean just sat there blankly, as Castiel thought things through. "I guess I am in love with you,"

"I- What?"

"Our bond its different than everyone else's I thought that you're the only-" Suddenly though before Castiel could get out the rest that's when Dean smashed their lips together. 

Fireworks went off, and tingles fell down their spines. 

"I've waited so long for this," Dean admitted. "Though I was terrified angels couldn't love,"

"You love me?" Castiel questioned a small smile leaking across his face.

"Of course I love you Cas,"

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