"Where we belong,"

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"Y'know you would make a good history teacher Cas," Dean mumbled one night as he traced a finger along the other man's chest.

Castiel smiled over at his hunter. "You think?" He finally questioned causing Dean to nod at him hurriedly.

"You know everything about the past since you lived through it all and even if you aren't an angel anymore I think-"

"It sounds wonderful thank you," Castiel smiled, as he didn't bother telling Dean what he should do once their hunting slowed down- he knew that the blonde was going to take after his father. 

Bobby Singer. And own a mechanic shop, and fix people's cars and what not. Castiel really never knew the full extent of what Bobby did but he knew that Dean enjoyed it. 

"I love you so much Cas," Dean whispered as the blue eyed man ran fingers through his hair.

"I love you to Dean,"

The two said I love you in manu different ways. One of Dean's many ways was telling Cas that he needs him- even if he has to miss a history class. 

This was one of those cases. "You went on a hunt without me!'" Castiel was behind furious, they had agreed to only hunt on the weekends- after all that's why Dean loved the ex-angel so much he was a life partner and a hurting partner. 

"I'm sorry," Dean apologized as the nurse dismissed him from getting his stiches. "You didn't have to come I just wanted to tell you-"

"Tell me what?"

"That's I'm fine- I didn't have work I killed the evil son of a bitch and-"

"You stupid son of a bitch," Castiel exclaimed through a sigh his hands thrown up im the air. "You make watching over and making sure you're alright so hard you know that,"

"Hey!" Dean exclaimed acting hurt ad the raven-haired man only laughed.

"You called me that when you pulled me out of the empty I think I'm entitled,"

Dean chuckled pulling his angel into a hug. "I'm sorry Cas I didn't mean to worry you," Dean reassured. "I just miss it so damn much and it's so hard to get out of the life,"

"I understand," Castiel murmered quietly. "But that doesn't mean I'm not mad at you," He went to go leave however Dean pulled him back. "No kiss either,"

"Cas!" Dean groaned causing the angel to sign and gradually cave in and give his hunter a peck on the lips.

"Bye Bee,"

"Bye angel,"

When Castiel got home to the bunker everyday miracle would always greet him. Then Dean would always be at the bottom of the stairs waiting for him aswell. He was always watching the three stooges on his laptop, or finding a hunt for the weekend. 

Dean smiled and turned toward Castiel as he came down, as the newly human took a seat right in his lap. "Kids are annoying! They don't appreciate history! They hate it when I could talk for hours-"

"Sometimes you can go on a little-"

"Are you siding with the ten year olds- over me? Your angel?" Castiel was hurt as Dean quickly took Castiels jaw in his hand.

The two loved acting like a married couple, they acted like they've been married fifty years and yet hadn't even known eachother half that.

"No Cas I didn't mean it like that," Dean reassured stroking his cheek. "All I'm saying is that there are other ways to teach ways to make it more fun,"

"Will you help me Dean? I was actually thinking about buying more things for my classroom,"

"That's it we're going shopping!" Dean exclaimed standing up alomg with Castiel. "You deserve it you're going to be the best teacher in the whole damn school!"

"Yeah that assbutt Karen is going down!"

"Hell yeah!" Dean quickly high fived his angel and then grabbed the keys to the impala. "Let's ride,"

That's how Dean ended up with a sleepy Castiel following behind him in a store. "Bee! Bee!" He explained his head resting on Dean's shoulder as he pointed to the bee themed flashcards. "We have to get those,"

Dean nodded putting it into the cart, as they strolled through all of the aisles. Castiel suddenly stopped walking burying his face in Dean's chest. "I think I'm so tired bee I'm sorry-"

"It's alright," Dean reassured through a smile leaning down and kissing the top of Castiels head.

Next thing Castiel knew he was being worn up in the impala by Dean, they had made it home. Miracle was impatiently waiting by the door, when they walked in. 

"Thank you," The raven-haired man mumbled sleepily. "Will you come to bed with me?"

"Of course," The blonde smiled, after they got into their pajamas they were in bed wrapped up in one another. 

Castiel had given up everything for his Hunter and Dean wasn't about to let him go. Not now not ever.

"You're the best thing to e er happen to me Cas," Castiel was the only person not written into Dean's story lasting as long as he had. 

Castiel had re-written Dean's story to be a good one. One with a happy ending. "I probably should have taken a shower," Dean apologized once he realized he was on top of his angel almost asleep realizing that he must smell like oil. 

"No you not leave," Castiel mumbled tightening his grip on Dean.

"Toamrrow we hunt," Dean whispered through a grin kissing his angels neck. "And shower,"

"Agreed my stinky bee,"

"Hey!" Dean exclaimed through a chuckle.

"I don't mind," The angel reassured through a grin burning his face in Dean's shoulder. "Morning showers are better,"

"Agreed angel… I love you,"

"I love you to bee,"

Dean made a buzz buzz sound in return, sighing happily as he smiled into the angels neck. This is where he's happiest, and he knew that for sure.

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