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The only thing left in the dungeon that night… Wasn’t Dean, Wasn’t Castiel, it wasn’t a trench coat, or even blood. It was something that caused the blonde haired Winchester to never walk into the dungeon again.

He couldn’t handle the sight.

The sight of the two burnt Wings on the floor of the dungeon. They marked the spot on the back wall where Castiel had been taken from him… By the empty.

Dean never used the hallway with the dungeon anymore, he avoided the thought of the angel that much.

“You can’t do this to me,” Dean whispered, staring at the tan coat that was on his bed. “No… No… No-”

“Dean I-”

“Is this some kind of joke!” The eldest Winchester screamed at his younger brother. “What the hell is this!”

“I didn’t do this Dean!” Sam challenged back. “Who the hell would? Chucks dead!”

“I don’t know!” The blonde exclaimed back his voice weakening at the end as he barely made the words out. “Son of a bitch,” Suddenly Dean was grabbing the trench coat and throwing it at the wall, storming out of the room angirly. His footsteps loud down the hall as Sam hesitated to follow his brother.

Though he finally did, and after the next couple of seconds he was thankful he did.

“Dean, don’t do anything stupid!” Sam exclaimed, snatching the blonde gun out of his hand.

“I’m going on a solo hunt,”

“Like hell you are!” Sam exclaimed unloading Dean’s gun. “You’re not thinking straight hell you haven’t been the same since-”

“Don’t! Alright? Don’t! You don’t get to mention it! You got Eileen back I… I…” Dean didn’t say anything at the end as his voice became shaky and then a lump in his throat formed preventing him from talking.

“We’ve tried everything Dean… But if I know one thing it’s that there always is a way,”

“Who would have done that Sammy?” Suddenly the two of them came to the realization that someone else had done that. They weren’t alone in the bunker, someone was in and they needed to protect themselves.

“Cas?” Sam questioned confused watching as Castiel came out of the hallway as if looking for them.

“Hello Dean… Sam,”

“Cas what the hell!” Dean exclaimed his voice wavering and cracking.

“I was brought back with only a trench coat and I needed some clothes so I went to go find some before anyone-” Suddenly he was being embraced in a tight hug by Dean.

“You stupid son of a btich! Don’t you ever do that again!”

“I’m confused Dean… You make self sacrifices all the time-”

“That doesn’t mean it’s smart,” This caused Sam to snicker as he took a step forward.

“So you came back with no clothes?”

“Jack struggled to get me back and lost my clothes,” Castiel mumbled. “He also had to leave my grace,”

“You’re human?”

“Yes,” Dean stepped away from the newly human so that Sam could hug his friend. Then after that Sam told them that he had to go get them a celebratory drink, and lunch.

Dean and Castiel were left alone in the map room, the nervousness in the blonde bubbled up, as he could get that the blue-eyed man in front of him was having the same internal issue.

“I love you too y’know,” Dean all in but blurted mentally scholding himself for saying his thoughts outloud.

“I...Uh-you do?”

“Of course I do Cas… Even if you are a stupid son of a btich,”

“I um… Thank you?”

“Come here,” Dean held open his arms as Castiel made sure to walk straight into them. “Don’t you ever leave me again Cas,”

“I won’t Dean,”

“No more stupid deals,”

“Well I…”


“Gotcha,” This caused Dean to give Castiel a bitch face as the blue-eyed man only laughed as he pulled back from his hunter. “Guess what Dean?”

Dean didn’t even have time to reply before Castiel said his next words. “I love you to- PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY!” Castiel made a run for Sam grabbing a plate and sitting down at the map table almost immediately.

“Geez you do love your pb and j Cas,”

“I also love Dean,” The raven-haired man corrected as this only caused the blonde haired hunter to blush.

“Well I already knew this,” Sam laughed as the two looked at him shocked. “It was never a secret,”

The two of them shrugged it off. They were done worrying and stressing about everything. No more self sacrifices and no more dying… More importantly no more having to save the world.

Just apple pie life from here on out. 

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