"Nailed it,"

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Dean prays to Castiel every night, though nothing ever happened.

The Hunter saw the nail before it had impaled him. Though he tried to avoid it, the thing still stabbed him in the back. He knew that he was being careless and that he didn't care anymore. 

He didn't care about his life any longer. So what if they won he still lost everything. He saved the world and nwo there was no reason to go on any longer. 

The world was saved because of him and that's all he wanted. He is not sure why it took him this long to give up after all right when he got back with Sammy he told him he was tired. 

Then something changed… Castiel came along and now he was gone again and things were back to the way they were before.

"I love you," The words rang through Dean's ears as he let out a cry in pain once Sam whipped around to see what was wrong. 

"I'll go get the first aid kit," Sam reassured, running away after assessing the damage.

And Dean let his brother go; he was too weak to stop him. Too weak to say goodbye, because in all honesty he realized how stupid he was being. 

He didn't want to say goodbye to his brother and he certainly didn't want to leave him either. 

"Sam…" Dean murmured, taking a shallow breath that was hesitant and shaky.

He wanted to say goodbye now if he was going to die. Who knew that while dying you would change your mind. 

"You're not dying… Not today," Dean looked to his left seeing Castiel standing there.

At first Dean thought that he was hallucinating. Turns out he wasn't once the trench coated man placed a hand on his shoulder. 

The blonde's eyes widened as he realized what was going on. He was about to die just when he finally got his angel back. 

"Jack may not want to interfere with the universe, but that doesn't mean I can't," Castiel let out a cheeky grin as he went over to one of the vampires and collected it's blood. 

Suddenly he came over to the eldest Winchester with the vile as Dean flinched away from him. Castiel's hand came in contact with his jaw, and forced Dean to swallow the blood. 

"No-" Though the bitter blood went down his throat before he could even finish what he wanted to say. 

Suddenly that's when Castiel put his hands under Dean's arms and began to pull him off the nail. Dean let out a cry in pain as he was lowered to the ground leaning up against the wall. 

Castiel's fingers were soft against Dean's skin as he lifted up the blondes shirt. The two of them watched as his wounds gradually began to heal. 

Then slowly Dean was left covered in blood and he couldn't feel it anymore. Though he could hear Sam's rushed heart beat in the other room and Castiels-

"You're human now?" Dean questioned Castiel weakly as the raven-haired man nodded.


"T-That's the only way Jack could get you out huh,"

Castiel nodded holding out his hand to help Dean up. Though the blonde didn't fake his hand just stared at it. 

"You stupid son of a bitch I'm glad you're home," Suddenly that's when Dean finally took Castiel's hand and got up. 

"Thank you Dean, now we better-"

"There's something I never got to tell you Cas," This caused the newly human to stop dead in his tracks. "I… I feel the same way,"

Castiel still never turned around his new emotions running around wild. His shoulders were tense as everything in him was going wild. 

"I love you too," That caused Castiel to turn around and look Dean in his eyes. 

"You do?"

"Of course I do, you're my true happiness too," This caused Castiel to smile widely. 

"It's about time," A voice came from behind them Dean and Castiel turned around seeing Sam holding the first aid kit. "I knew it,"

"You did?"

"Hell yeah you were acting like a widower Dean," This caused Castiel to sign and Dean glared at him. 

"We need to get the vampire cure and then we can "reminisce" as you put it afterwards," Castiel pointed out, causing Sam's eyes to widen as he slapped himself in the face. 

"How did I not think of that," He murmured to himself causing Dean to laugh. 

"I don't know how didn't you law boy!" This caused Dean to crack himself up as the three of them left the barn happier than they had come in. 

Though there was one thing Dean knew that he had to accomplish and that was washing his car.

After all he got Cas back. Things couldn't be better. 

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