"Humans In My Charge,"

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Castiel had taken a lot of Dean's memories. Alot of them because Chuck had convinced him to. God had gotten into his head convinced him and all the other angels to the the same.

He didn't want Dean to remember the terrible memories the ones that would keep him fro fighting because then his book wouldn't be as good. However he also didn't want Sam and Dean to have the good ones either. 

The ones that were their happiest.

"So I've known you since-"

"Since you were five years old yes you just didn't know it yet," Castiel mumbled sheepishly through a blush. "I apologize Dena but when Chickas on this weather I knew that he would have murderers me if I ever gave you those back,"

"You've been my guardian angel this entire time… My mother was right," Suddenly Dean took a step towards the angel who instantly backed away. 

"W-What are you doing?" Castiel questioned confused. 

"I can't believe this," Dena mumbled ho's hands falling to his side as he let out a shaky breath. "You kept me occupied form hunting at Bobby's house at just five years old playing hide and seek with me and Sam, and then you save me from hell and then you save me from…" Deab didn't want to say the last one he was still shaken up by it, Cas had only been back for a couple of hours now and that was mostly catching him up on things. 

"Sam told me," The raven-haired man blurted. "How you've been,"

"Has he now,"

"I'm sorry I-"

"You don't have to apologize Cas you thought you were doing the right thing! Hell I'm starting to think you're a miracle- yeah- yeah… I mean you heard what Chuck said you're the reason everything changed,"

"I think you're giving me to much credit Dean, it was you you're the one that defeated him not me,"

"You're the one who saved me so yeah you did you saved the world aswell," Dean reassured finally glancing up to meet Castiels piercing Blue eyes. "I think you deserve a hell of at lot more credit actually,"

"But you saved me from the empty so I guess-"

"I've known you my entire life Cas- that just seemed right," Dead reassured causing Castiel nod through a small smile. 

"Yes, thank you Dean," The blonde hunter smiled taking yet another step closer to the angel.

"However there is one thing we're forgetting," The Green-eyed man pointed out his hands on each side of Castiels trench coat causing him to shiver with nervousness.

"About what I said I-"

"I told you I'd rather have you didn't I?" Dean questioned however before Castiel could reply that's when suddenly Dean pushed their lips together causing sparks to fly and fireworks to go off. 

The two of them swore that once their lips locked it was as though they were the only two people on the universe. Dean was the first to pull away because he needed air, as he smiled at Castiel their foreheads still touching. 

"I'll always watch over you Dean," Castiel reassured through a small grin. "I was assigned this job by heaven and it is the only one that I have not failed yet,"

Castiel was proud causing Dean to smile and chuckle in return. Though a yawn cut him off, as the angel then noticed that there were bags under the Winchesters eyes. 

"You're tired,"

"Y'know I always thought that once I saved the world I'd be free but nightmares they-" Thougj Dena stopped mid-sentence by hugging the hunter tightly chasing the blonde to instantly hold him tightly back.

"I can't fix them Dean," Castiel mumbled guilty the pain evident in his voice. 

"Will you watch over me Cas?" Dean questioned pulling back and looking the angel in the eyes. 

"Of course," And that's how the two ended up in Dean's bed, Dean insisting that his bed was more comfortable than the chair beside his bed.

Dean was right on top of Castiel the angel keeping him warm. The blue-eyed angel made sure to run fingers through his Hunters hair as he smiled.

"Goodnight Bee," Castiel mumbled chasing Dean to let out a noise turning to face the angel. 

"You used to call me that as a kid before I never saw you again," Dean mumbled through a grin. 

"The Angels tight I was getting to close to the humans in my charge- turns out they were right,"

"Hell yeah they were right," Dean mumbled through a laugh as he gripped Castiel tighter. "You're mine now Cas I'm not letting you go anywhere,"

Little did Dean know that Castiel wouldn't have ever dreamed of going anywhere. 

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