"For family,"

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"We made it Cas…" Dean whispered glancing over at the urn with the bed painting across it. "This is where you want to be,"

The blonde smiled to himself that cheeky smile that Castiel used to love. Though this time there was a hint of sadness behind it.

He saw the windmill in the distance, the bees dancing around the flowers in the field. Then the sun gradually settled in the sky above him.

The impala was the only car on the dirt parking lit though that's the way Dean knew Castiel liked it. 

Dean spread his ashes all across the fluid letting a couple of tears fall from his eyes trying to stay strong.

He didn't want to be sad in Castiel's happy place. 

Deja took a deep breath after he was done and collapsed into the grass glancing up at the clouds like the old times he and Castiel had done. 

He remembers when they once watched a movie out here on Dean's laptop and then suddenly that became their normal thing after gruesome hunts.

He missed the angel and there was no lying about that. Everyone djd, Sam was a mess, Jody and Claire were a mess. Jack was a mess because let's face it Castiel was a part of their family. 

Dena had promised himself that he wouldn't cry however as the gun was getting ready to set for good the hunter couldn't take if any longer. 

"I'm sorry… I'm so sorry," He murmured thinking back to Castiel's dead body up in flames in front of him.

Then he thought back to him carrying him inside to wrap him in a sheet. One of the worst moments of his life, one that Dean would never forget.

Castiel's lifeless body below him and two stained angel wings around him.

"I loved you," Dean murmured his voice weak and raw. "I loved you god dammit you were apart of our family,"

The blonde couldn't think straight. He didn't want to raise Jack with just Sam. Castiel was the one that had taken care of Jack the most had dine everything for Kelly. 

It simply didn't feel right. However, Dean knew that he had too. That he would keep Jack sage and be a father to Jack all for Castiel. 

His fallen angel. 

One that he didn't know would be coming back soon.

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