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"I'm sorry Dean," Those were Castiel's last words before he was gone. 

Though they weren't the one that shocked him the most.

Dean Winchester wasn't one to get shocked easily. He's seen the true chaos of the world, had leviathans, and demons and wendigos after him. Hess been to hell purgatory and even heaven- if anything nothing shocked him anymore. 

And then his best friends words hit him like a truck to the face. 

He thought that angel couldn't feel that they had no way of feeling emotion. And yet Dean changed that he changed an Angel. 

His best friend loved him too. 

In purgatory Dean simply couldn't help himself. He knew that if he left Castiel there he would never know. So the blonde haired hunter got down onto his knees and prayed.

He prayed to his best friend… His Guardian angel, the one who he currently couldn't find. Dean always collapsed to his knees without Cas- hell the angel and his brother were the only reason he was still living. 

The words slipped Dean's lips before he thought twice about the consequences. Of course he knew that this would ruin their friendship however he didn't care. 

Dean found Castiel ten minutes later sitting there. Little did he know that the angel was waiting for the empty. He would have done something he wouldn't have let him say what he was about to say.

The first thing Dean did was hug the angel who melted in his embrace. "Cas I-"

"I heard your prayer," The raven-haired angel mumbled sheepishly. 

"I love you," Dean repeated right in front of the angel causing him to freeze. "I love you so much Cas,"

"Dean… I-" Castiel hesitated a lot forming in his throat as he stared at Dean through admiration. 
"I love you too,"

Dean's eyes widened as he stared at Castiel through wide eyes. Never I am million years did he except his best friend to say that to him much less an angel. 

"Y-You love me?" Dean questioned his voice clouding with excitement and shock.

Castiel gradually began to nod his head as he knew once Dean believed his words that he would be on his way to the empty. 

"Goodbye," Castiel whispered his voice barley audible as Dean looked at the angel through confusion. 


"I'm sorry Dean," And just like that Castiel was gone, he dropped the lotus flower leaving Dean there to collapse onto his knees. 

He had gone numb. 

The empty, Dean knew that goo from anywhere had taken Castiel. The love of his life. 

Dean vowed that he would get Castiel back and that was just what he was going to do. 

"You're going to drive yourself insane Dean alright!? You need a break! He wouldn't want this,"

"Cas doesn't deserve to be there!" Dean roared throwing his hands up in the air out of exaggeration. 

"He's gone! You can't kill yourself because of it he wouldn't want this! We'll find a way but we won't find anything wearing ourselves to death!" Sam exclaimed back causing Dean to turn around and walk out of the library. 

"But what if I want to kill myself," And that's when he ran into Jack. 

"It's all my fault," Jack mumbled through a cry as he stared down at his shoes. "He wouldn't have made the deal if it weren't for-" Before Jack could get out the rest he was pulled into the warm embrace of Dean as the hunter cried. 

Looking at Jack was like looking at Castiel for Dean. 

"It's not your fault he loved you," Dean reassured through a sniffle. "Seems like a thing of his to sacrifice himself for the ones he loves,"

"I have an idea Dean," Jack murmured pulling away from the hug. "I'm not sure it will work though,"

"Well lay it on me because right now it's all we got,"

And that's when Dean found Castiel in the empty. 

The hunter was hovering over the angel, using his lanturn that was powered by love. He hated chick flick moments however currently he simply wanted his angel back. 

"Cas… Cas," Dean whispered sinking down to his knees infront of the anfel. 

That's when finally Castiels blue eyes met his, once Dean caressed his face. 

Castiel glanced around and then his eyes dialog locked with Dean's. He smiled realizing what happened. 


"Hello Cas," The hunter laughed beaming a, smile this was the happiest he had been in a long time.

Though just at his words Castiel quickly pushed his lips to Dean causing them both to go wide eyed in shock.

"I learned that from the pizza man,"

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