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"Cas!" Dean whispered loudly tossing and turning in his sleep. "Cas!" The hunter began to reach out or the angel in the night though he wasn't successful as the angel simply wasn't there. 

Dean opened his eyes immediately. "Cas," He murmured, rubbing his eyes with his fists, wisking away the tears and the sleep from them.

The blonde's feet hit the cold floor sending a shiver down his spine as he quickly got up. He went down the stairs and straight to the kitchen. His goal was to get a glass of water however he saw his raven-haired man there and couldn't help yet to collapse in his arms and get lost in them.

"Hello Dean," Castiel murmured through a small smile. "I made you coffee,"

"Thank you," Dean sniffled a tad and Castiel knew exactly what was wrong. 

"Another nightmare… I thought they were finally going away," Castiel obviously wasn't to pleased that his husband was having more nightmares the same with Dean. 

"But you know nothing can hurt you here I don't understand,"

"I don't know Cas," Dean murmured reaching over his shoulder and grabbing a coffee mug.

After Cas came back the two of them decided to live their apple pie life's they had to get jobs. Dean worked on a construction crew and Castiel at Gas N Sip. And after multiple years they decided to build a house, it had many hidden symbols in the walls, underfloor boards and, on beams that were warding… Even if there were only small monsters now and that there were no more big bads they wanted to be safe. 

Then there was the bunker. Dean and Castiel visited sometimes, they had lent it to their Hunter friends and now whenever a hunter or close friend needed a place to stay they could stay there. 

It was perfect… As long as their traumas continued to fade away.

"I love you," Dean murmured kissing the top of Castiel's head and going to pour some coffee for himself. 

"I love you too Dean," Castiel reassured through a grin. "I'm glad you're doing better,"

"I'm only doing better because you're here," The blonde reassured through a blush as Castiel only chuckled. 

"You give me to much credit Dean I don't do anything,"

"Yes you do! You make me pie, you make tea! You make the house cozy you have a bee garden in the back yard and a cat and fluffy pillows for days I-"

"You've never told me this helped you before,"

"I never got the chance," Dean mumbled through a sigh taking Castiel's hand in his and pulling them to their back porch. 

The two of them sat in the rising sun drinking their coffee and tea and enjoying eachothers company.  Dean was now calm, and before Cas that could take up to hours to happen and now here he was totally fine. 

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me Cas… I want you to know that,"

"You're the next thing to ever happen to me too Bee- you gave me humanity,"

Their smiles after that became wider than the sun. 

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