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Dean had never been in love before so it only made sense that he didn't know when he was. Dean had been in love now and he had no idea. 

Though looking back on it now he was glad he didn't. This kept him out of danger and the last thing Dean wanted was for someone else to get hurt because of him… For someone else to get hurt because he loved them.

Then his best friend died and felt like Dean had lost the other half of him. That he couldn't even stand without him.

Dean could feel the glass of his heart shattered inside of him. He likes to think that this was the moment that he knew that he was in love with Castiel. However he believes that deep down he knew this all along. 

Dean knew that once Cas came back that he needed to tell him. Oh right this is because Dean was very sure that they would get him back. However the days passed then weeks and those turned into months. 

Dean fell into a depression. Liquor now being his water and hunting now being a sport to him- a kill everyday is what satisfied him. Hell he felt like he had the mark of Cain again. 

He didn't feel like eating that much anymore. He couldn't love pie while the love of his life was gone, there was this Empty pit in his stomach and food only seemed to make it worse maybe because it reminded him of Cas. 

When the angel would order food at restaurants just because of him. Or how when he was human he loved anything with honey and peanut butter.

Dean often stayed awake at nights knowing that the angel deserved better… Deserved better than him.

He was sure of it, and some nights he would get so much into his head that he would have finished grab Castiel's trench coat from the nearby chair and buddy his face into it. The scent of honey and gunpowder was fading from the poor coat as Dean let out a sigh of relief just having this in his arms. 

He put the coat in the chair so that he could think of Castiel watching over him again but now that left him with nothing except pain. 

Everytime Dean closed his eyes he saw nothing except ocean blue ones staring back at him. He saw nothing but the pain of Castiel's eyes as they turned a sickening white as he fell to the ground dead.

He saw nothing except burnt wings on the ground around him. Castiel's wings. 

"I love you," Dean would whisper some nights to the trench coat. "I'm sorry," Those nights were the ones where he got even less sleep than he normally does less than two hours. 

He was up bright and early getting out of bed just to get away from the nightmares. He found Sam in the bunkers kitchen who raised an eyebrow at jim everytime he was up os early. 

"Let me guess another hunt? Dean we haven't had a break-"

"I'm not going to stop until I get my hands on that son of a bitch,"

"Even if you do get to lucifer you won't be able to kill him we don't know how," Sam was right, Dean let out an exaggerated sigh he was staring to lose hope of Castiel coming back. 

Then Jack came back and changed all that. He told them he thought he did something involving Castiel with his powers he wasn't very sure and then five minutes later the dead angel was standing at their door. 

Dean thought the first thing that he would tell Castiel was that he loved him however nothing came out. He would have to wait all the way until they were in purgatory again to tell him. 

At first Dean seemed need out of the angel was comfort, weather that be sitting beside his bed or having him on hunts. 

Though soon he grew desperate with himself to tell him and then once Dean thought he lost him again he knew that it was the right time to tell him.

"I heard your prayer," Dean let out a breath that he didn't know he was keeping im as his breath hitched. "I love you too Dean,"

"Dammit Cas," Suddenly that's when Dean pushed himself forward and kissed Castiel hard across the lips.

Both of them were simply happy to see the other again, vowing to never let go again. 

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