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“You’re not my Cas,” Dean mumbled, backing away from the exact replica of the angel in front of him.

“Dean?” Castiel questioned confused glancing down at himself. “I’m me I’m not sure what-”

“Sure you’re Cas but you’re the old Cas!” The hunter exclaimed back standing there glancing back at the angel in shock. “The empty- the empty I-” Suddenly that’s when every thought zipped from his head as if someone was pulling them from his brain the moment he thought of them.

“Sam something is wrong with your brother,” Castiel informed the youngest Winchester as he walked into the hotel room.

Sam seemed years younger as well. A replica of when he had first met Castiel actually. “I-” However no words came out of Dean’s lips as he stood there having a brain fart.

He knew that things probably were normal and he was just imagining things. Though he swore that when he woke up here and saw Castiel sitting beside his bed that something wasn’t right.

However the days went on as usual, though Dean couldn’t help fight the pit in his stomach as there was simply something off that he couldn’t put his foot on. And then he finally learned the truth.

One day all three of them went to the roadhouse. They saw everyone who had ever died, Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Ash and many more. Dean figured it out long before they told him, though their confirmation made sense.

Dean was in heaven.

“B-But I Sam how are you here?” Dean questioned hurt in his voice.

“Chuck,” Is all he could muster up in return. “I knew that we were in heaven I just- Cas and I we didn’t want to tell you,” Sam explained as Bobby came over and wrapped him in a warm and caring hug, Ellen then coming along and doing the same thing.

“But then Cas how are you not-” Dean didn’t get out the rest as he didn’t even remember what he had to say. “Wait how did I die again?”

“Dude you seriously don’t remember? The hellhounds-”

“Oh,” The blonde-mumbled thinking back to how he made a deal to save his brother, that must have been why he was so shocked to see him here- right.

After that Dean got to see his family again. Sit at the bar and have a drink made by Ellen with Jo. He watched as Cas was manipulated by Ash into them two singing karaoke terribly. Meanwhile all while Sam and Bobby made a bet on the deer shooter game.

Though as Dean smiled into his beer it quickly faded. He could feel that feeling coming back and still remaining in the pit of his stomach. Something still wasn’t right here, and as much as he wanted to stay he knew that this wasn’t what it had cracked up to be. After hunting his whole life and dealing with many dajuns he knew the feeling.

However, he wanted to be sure first.

“Where are you going?” Jo questioned placing a hand on Dean’s bicep. The hunter froze realizing exactly what was going on. They were trying to use his feelings against him- his past feelings.

“Outside for fresh air,” He explained even if that made no sense with them being heaven. Though he didn’t stop, not even when Castiel was saying his name from behind him. And as Dean opened up the door to the roadhouse instead of the parking lot he was met by complete darkness.

That’s when his eyes burst open and he woke up on the cold hard ground. He heaved himself up seeing nothing but empty. Everything came back to him after that, all of his memories. He remembered everything after meeting Castiel, and coming back to life after being ripped up by hellhounds. He remembers Jack, and Kelly, and Donna and Jody. Damn all he wanted was to get back to earth now knowing exactly where he was.

Castiel regretted not being strong enough to push Dean away before being dragged to the empty. He should have known that once they hugged the empty would take both him and Dean. “D-Dean,” Castiel sputtered out.

“Come on we have to go,” Dean exclaimed, pulling the angel up and dragging him along though  Castiel fought against the hunter's grip.

“The empty will never let me leave because I’m an angel just wait until-'' Suddenly that’s when Dean grabbed Castiell by the arm and felt his angel blade pulling it out.

“N-No,” Castiel choked out his eyes widening.

“I can’t let you stay here,” Dean mumbled through a sigh.

“But where will my grace go?” Castiel suddenly questioned as Dean thought about it for a moment before smiling.

“Ah ha!” The green-eyed hunter exclaimed. “It can go into my ring,”

“I’m not sure about this,” The raven-haired angel mumbled nervously as Dean raised the angel blade, unable to glance whole while doing so.

“It’s alright Cas,” Dean reassured using his free hand to take Castiels. “After all this should be better than the empty right?”

The angel nodded as that’s when in one quick motion he felt a pain at his throat, and then suddenly that’s when it was all gone in a blink of a second. Dean now stands there with a glowing blue ring.

“Now we better get out of here,” And suddenly just like that the two were out of the empty and just in time to. Who would have known what could have happened if they stayed in there any longer.

“Don’t ever do that again Cas,” Was the first thing Dean said once they were safely out of the empty. “Dammit I thought I lost you there for a moment,”

“I’m sorry Dean that was never my intention,” Castiel reassured causing the blonde to smile the raven-haired man's way as Dean leaned in, he leaned in so close that their foreheads began to touch.

“You stupid son of a bitch of course I love you back you had me this entire time,”

“Y-You what,” Castiel stuttered out his heart beat rising as he could feel everything in his body begin to race with excitement.

“I love you-” Though before Dean could get out the rest that’s when Castiel pushed his lips onto the hunters causing both their eyes to widen at the realization that they had just made their feelings official in the real world.

“I love you to Dean,” was the last thing Dean heard before his thoughts began to rage with happiness.

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