"Cat," Part two

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"No Cas don't go," Dean groaned trying to pull the warm body back to him. 

Though all he was met by was giggles as he peeked an eye open and saw Jack leaving the room. Dean smiled and let out a groan turning over in his sleep. It was still way too early to get up. 

Though barely twenty minutes later he heard hushed voices then giggles again. "Dean," Castiel whispered, shaking him awake, though the eldest Winchester swatted his hands away.

Castiel even tried kissing him and still nothing. "I have food," and that's when the hunter shot up from his sleep seeing Jack standing beside his bed still in pajamas with messy hair. 

He was holding a plate of pie, though in the pie was cookie crunch. "I knows how much you likes the pie so it breawkfast?" Jack questioned holding out the plate to Dean, who looked between the two and then smiled widely. 

"Hell yeah," Dean exclaimed, snatching the plate from Jack. "Thank you Jack," The young boy smiled as Dean patted the bed and Jack crawled in.

Castiel shook his head. His blonde Hunter would never stop cussing not even if it was in front of a three year old. Once Dean was done eating he got an idea and took Jack into his arms. 

"You're coming with me for a surprise,"


"Yep," that's how Jack ended up in Dean's lap as he drove. 

Jack was trying to say the words from the mixtape but his singing was slurred. It was one of Castiel's favorites and he thought it described them perfectly. 

"Because I feel so secure when we're together! You give my life direction-" Was sung throughout the car as Dean and Cas stole a quick glance. 

Castiel made sure to take Dean's hand in his causing him to smirk. Though as the day grew longer they began to get hungry and even if Jack was still fascinated by driving they had to stop for food. 

Jack was stuck between the two men in one side of the booth as he made them all squeeze in. He had cried unknowing of who to sit with. 

"Uncle moose!" Jack exclaimed leaping into his arms. 

"You called Sam?" Dean asked Castiel who nodded through a smile. 

"Aunt EWEEN!" Jack exclaimed as Eileen always had to kiss Jack on the cheek because he adored her lipstick stain…

"I see you finally got your own trench coat," Sam smiled as Jack nodded and began to show it off. 

"I didn't even know they made them that size," Eileen laughed as they all took a seat. 

"Neither did we but Cas and his Amazon shopping,"

"It's a hobby," Cas fought back causing laughter to erupt the table. 

Two milkshakes were ordered, one with two straws and one with three.

Jack ate all of his food and some of Dean's … Sam never would have guessed that he would have seen this day. 

Castiel was messing with Dean's fingers and talking with Eileen as Sam and Dean were talking about their recent hunts. 

Jack was coloring on a place mat as suddenly he got excited and began to jump up and down. "Look! Look! Uncle Sawm that's you Auntie EWEEN this is yowe, Bwean, Cwassie, and MWe!" he was so proud of himself he even autographed it. 

"OH AWND MWR. Fluffykinz!" Jack pointed to a small black blob at the bottom of the page. "Youz likes?"

"I love it," Castiel smiled ruffling Sam's hair.

Dean took a closer look and smiled widely.

This was their family. 

And he wouldn't change them for the world- they're perfect.

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