"Baby Jack,"

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All the power that radiated inside Jack caused him great pain. He was too young to become God and his nephilim body hadn't been built well enough to contain such power.  

However there was one man that was built to hold great power. 

Dean Winchester formerly known as Micheals vessel.  

However he didn't want to become God, everyone could see that. After all his years of hunting evil turning into a vampire, and almost a Jefferson Starship he wanted to be normal. 

Sam on the other hand still felt like he was different. Like he still and part demon blood inside of him and that there was a part of him that was evil.  

What better way than him and Eileen living on earth together with ultimate power? 

Dean was happy for his brother and happy that Jack would be alright however there was one simple catch.  

"Beans! BEANZ!" Jack exclaimed holding out his arms to Dean as the blonde let out an internal sigh and lifted up Jack off of the ground from playing with his toys to cuddle in his side.  

Dean loved how Jack got a re-do at life and that he and Cas got to raise him. However what he didn't like was Cas and Jack cuddled into each of his sides. Their cat behind his head on the top of the couch and Miracle sprawled out across his lap. 

He cursed himself for being such a great cuddler and loving cuddling so much.  

Though he couldn't lie and say that he didn't love having his family all beside him. He also couldn't lie that Jack was even cuter now and how funny it was that even though he tried to say their names correctly he always managed to fail miserably.  

"Caws," Jack laid his hand on top of Miracle a hand in which Castiel took. Ever since Jack became a baby he felt vulnerable even more so without his powers so he always had to be touching someone. 

Jack giggled as Miracle began to lick his leg. Then his laughs became even louder when their cat from behind Dean let out a sound chasing him to jump.  

Dean didn't know what the hell they were watching but Cas didn't mind it and Jack was in love with it so he shrugged it away.  

This was a good time for a nap after all, who knew that living an apple pie life was so much work.  

"Cookie crunchie!" Jack exclaimed early the next morning waking Dean up so fast that for a moment the blonde man forgot what universe he was in.  

Dean looked to his side and expected to see Castiel but all he saw was an empty bed and Jack attempting to climb into their bed though it was too tall for him and he often needed up.  

"Jack where's Cas?" 

Jack shrugged his shoulders eager for Dean to get out of bed and reach the cookie crunch which was all the way on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. Which Dean put there for a reason, the kid kindve had an addiction to them.  

Dean was just about to get out of bed and question Jack again however the sound of the front door opening caught their ears.  

"Caws!" Suddenly Jack was bolting toward the door knowing that Castiel would more likely get him the cereal. 

"Jack wait no!" Dean didn't know how their front door got unlocked for who was coming in but- 

Holy crap did Cas look good Dean always had a mini heart attack seeing him in his dead man's robe. This time he only had pajama pants and slippers underneath.  

Castiel had mail in his hands and his hair was a mess. He pulled Jack into his arms and smiled. 

Damn. Castiel looked- wait? 

"You went to get the mail like that?" Dean exclaimed through wide eyes.  

"Dean we live on an ancre of land," 

"Someone could have seen you!" Dean exclaimed pulling Cas into his arms and shielding what's his.  

"No one saw me," Castiel groaned at Drama protectiveness. "Don't worry," 


"Can we eat cookie crunch now!" Jack pleaded pulling on Castiels shirt.  

Castiel looked at Dean giving him a reassuring smile pecking his lips. "Yeah let's eat cookie crunch," 

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