"You're alive,"

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Castiel felt it… He felt the moment Dean had been impaled by the rusty nail in the barn.  

Although he wanted nothing more than to never see his hunter again he had to push those feelings away.  

He still loved him after all there was no about about that. The angel knew that he had to stop restoring heaven go go and see Dean's life… After all heaven wasn't nearly ready.  

So as much as Castiel dreaded seeing Dean again… Dreaded hearing the hunter explain to him how he didn't feel the same. How he could never love a broken angel and that he was already too broken himself. 

Castiel pushed this all away though. He had saved Dean from dying once and he sure enough could do it again. The empty had been his only option even if he hadn't wanted to admit his feelings to Dean just yet… Though the angel knows that it helped him figure out a lot about what his feelings were toward the hunter.  

Dean Winchester had been his true happiness all along. For that Castiel is forever grateful the hunter deserved to be saved… After all if he could get out of the empty then he could save Dean.

Everyone knew that the only thing Castiel had ever accomplished was saving Dean Winchester… The angels only hopes were that by now the hunter knew that he deserved to be saved. Hopefully with his new found freewill he would finally understand that. 

Castiel remained hopeful. Even when he poofed up outside the barn and heard Dean’s cries in pain. The eldest Winchester pleaded for his brother to stay with him, he didn’t want to be alone. 

The angel knew by the sound of the hunter that Dean was utterly terrified. Sam didn’t stay with his brother however, he was determined at finding a first aid kit and calling an ambulance. He knew that would be his brothers only shot at surviving. 

The youngest Winchester let his brother say a few words to him before he left… In case he happened to be too late. Sam could feel the tears welled up in his eyes as she tried to remain strong for Dean. However simply seeing his brothers blood on his hand broke him down into sobs. They were finally free… Free from Chuck- free from everything. 

It wasn’t supposed to be this way… His brother deserved better. After everything Dean Winchester had been through, protecting and making sure his brother had a life. After being his fathers blunt little warrior for all those many years. He didn’t deserve to get beaten around by John anymore or even Chuck anymore. The two of them caused enough mental damage that would cease to go away anyways, the eldest Winchester didn’t deserve pain still as well.

Castiel and Sam had the same thoughts. 

Dean Winchester deserved better… After all they were team free will after all. So Castiel walked into the barn holding his breath. He glanced at the ground terrified as to what he might see. Finally once he got the courage to glance up from the ground filled with vampire bodies his heart shattered at the sight of the hunter. 

Alone in this bitter and musty barn… Terrified of dying and leaving his brother. He was consumed in pain and utter brokenness anyone could see right through it. As a man who’s wanted to die all those years to have finally found free will… To know that he was free only to die anyways. 

It was a true hate crime in Castiel's opinion… It was one that he wasn’t going to let happen no matter who and or what tried to stop him. 

Castiel was glad that he couldn’t see too much blood and too much of where Dean had been punctured. However just the small sight caused everything in him to break and shatter to the floor. Tears picked his eyes as the sight of how lifeless the hunter had become as he grasped each breath thus sobs still wracked his body. 

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