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Dean tucked the flower in his back pocket, he prayed that it wouldn't get wrinkled. He laughed knowing that Jack could probably hear his prayer. 

The blonde took a deep breath. He had to do this- he wanted to be the one to do this. They could only get one person to go as it was too risky for all three of them to just walk in like nothing. 

Though that would be the true Winchester way of things. 

The blonde couldn't see anything, as he quickly glanced around hurriedly. He only has a limited time to do this and that's when the nervousness set in for him. 

Suddenly that's when he saw a light flick on in the distance. Sam had just been telling him about this as Dean smiled. 

So his love was real.

The eldest Winchester picked up the lantern. It was a lantern powered by true love. Dean hated it and loved it at the same time. He was overjoyed that his love for Castiel was real but also angry at this being like something out of a chick flick. 

Dean lifted up the lantern and smiled at the light whirling around inside it. He really can't make this stuff up. 

"Cas…" Dean whispered trying not to draw attention to himself but let's face it he was a glowing light in miles of darkness.

Dean wondered if a lot of lovers came here… After all, why would there be a lamp powered by true love? He gulped, whipping the sweat from his forehead nervously.   

Dean walked for what felt like hours yet was only a couple of minutes as he didn't see anything or anyone. Where were all the angels trapped in the empty. 

Then the blonde remembered what Jack had told him.  That he might have to wake Castiel to be on the outer layer of the empty. 

Dean sunk to his knees, setting the lamp beside him. He raised his left hand and put it on his right bicep right over the hand print Castiel had left. 

"Cas…" Dean choked out weakly. "Cas it's me,  Dean I'm here to save you alright?" Though Dean never got a reply, there was still emptiness around him.

"You're our- you're my best friend, alright even if you trench coat is dirty I miss it, and even if you're stupid all the time and you're a sucky Hunter you still tried- you always thought that you were doing the right thing and that… that makes you apart of the Winchester family I-" Dena could feel a lump form in his throat. 

"You're the best thing to ever happen to me, if I showed you how to love then we'll guess what you showed me what to live for and I know damn well I gave you that tape for a reason because once I get you to if here we're going to listen to it together," Dean smiled a small cheeky grin, one that he didn't even know that Castiel had fallen in love with. 

"Angel or not you're getting out of here because I'm not leaving here without you… We need you Cas- dammit I need you alright? I…I love you too,"

Dean froze waiting for something to happen. Though when he didn't hear anything or see any movement he glanced around making sure that there really wasn't anything. 

Dean sighed running a hand through his hair, as he could feel the tears clouding his eyes. As he went to go run hands through his hair again, he began to ull at it frustrated. 

He didn't know what to do. Hell he had been up against God himself and yet the empty terrified him, because he didn't know what to expect. It was something that he had never dealt with before. 

All he wanted was Castiel back… And he was going to do anything in his power to get him back. 

Dean picked up his lamp and got up off his knees. He glanced around once more and let out a puff of air. Maybe he should have waited like Sam wanted it… This truly did crush him.

As Dean counted his steps back the way that he came, his foot hit something. And as he glanced down he realized that it was none other than Castiel. 


"Cas!" Dean exclaimed sinking to his knees and shaking the angel awake. "Cas," Dean whispered as Green eyes locked with blue. "You're getting out of here Cas… I love you,"

"No you don't, you're not real!" Castiel exclaimed, glancing away from the blonde.

"This is real Cas I'm not a fake I don't know what you've seen but I'm getting you out of here-"

"No you're not! There is no way out I've already tried!"

"Dammit Cas! I NEED YOU ALRIGHT!" By this time Dean was screaming. "I don't have much time. I'm Dean Winchester! I'm real! We're real! I LOVE YOU!"


"That's what I've been trying to-" Though before Dawn could get out the rest that's when Castiel pushed their lips together. 

Dean and Castiel smiled to one another after the kiss. Dean counting their steps all the way back to the way that they came in. 

Cas was back. 

Jack was god. 

Eileen was alive. 

Their family was back. 

Turns out true love takes down the empty… Who would have ever guessed. 

Dean pulled the flower from his back cooker and handed it to Cas, who smiled his way. 

He loved it.

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