"Come back to me,"

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Dean Winchester grieved Castiel heavily. He told himself that everything was alright... That he could live a happy life, one that he knew the angel had wanted him to. However, that simply couldn't happen because even if the hunter had finally gotten the free will that he had damn right earned things still weren't right.

He still wanted everyone back... Including Castiel. And Jack couldn't give that to him, I mean how could he? It would be messing things up on a cosmic level and turning right back into Chuck which is something that the Winchesters decided highly against.

In Front of Sam, Dean was still the same person. A warrior who doesn't show emotions, drinks too much coffee alcohol, slays monsters by day, and yet becomes a child by night. Though Sam could tell that his brother was less happy, not even pie excited him anymore.

Once the door was closed and Dean was alone in his room he would curl up in bed and let out a sigh... Most of the time though that sigh would lead to tears. Every night Dean would start and end his day with a prayer to Castiel- though he knew that it was one that the angel would never answer.

Dean wished that his mother's words were still right and that there was a trench coated angel still watching over him. Oftentimes Dean would find himself angled in bed staring at the chair a few feet away from where Castiel used to sit and watch over him... Not anymore. The raven-haired angel had made promises to always watch over the eldest Winchester on his most terrifying nights and he always kept those same promises.

The green-eyed hunter would roll up the sleeve of his shirt and blade his hand across the handprint scar Cas had left on his arm. He could feel the sobs wracked his body and himself shake with terror at the mere thoughts of the angel... The mere thoughts of where his best friend was and didn't deserve to be. Possibly worse than hell and that simply broke Dean's heart.

On Dean's worst days he would make extra prayers to Castiel. Telling the angel how he was doing and what was going on in the world. Sometimes it made him feel better other times it didn't. Other times Dean would tell Cas about how stupid he was making such a terrible deal and how he was a stupid son of a bitch for lying to him and his brother. Though the blonde would always apologize after a couple of hours as his rage never lasted long. He truly was the soft teddy bear Castiel saw him as... Besides his terrifying looks.

Just like in purgatory Dean never missed a prayer... And just like in purgatory Dean never got a response until one fateful day.

When he finally reunited with the... No his trench-coated angel again.

"Hello, Dean,"

Sam had watched all those years as his brother fell head over heels in love with an angel. Who could have ever thought, after Dean had deemed them fake. Next thing Sam knew the two of them were in a relationship and shouting I love you across the bunker. The Moose could feel the happiness overjoy him as all he ever wanted was for his brother to be happy.

Dean and Castiel would sing together on the way to hunt with music blasting in baby. Then they would dance around the halls together. Not to mention making pies every weekend in the bunker. They took turns pranking Sam and giving each other piggyback rides through the bunker. Cas and Eileen always watched the hallmark channel on Sunday nights, and Dean and Cas always watched Scooby-Doo whenever they got the chance.

Though all of that gradually came to a steady stop. They began to hunt less and less, and suddenly they were all trying to live normal lives having hunting as a side job. Next thing Dean and Castiel were saying goodbye to Sam and Eileen and had the bunker all to themselves.

It was fun for the first day, Dean on Castiel's back at the angel zipped across the bunker. Them screaming song lyrics at the top of their lungs. However, the day after they realized that this was their home and they needed to make it look like one.

After that Dean and Castiel were left to live a normal life. Castiel worked at a nearby gas n' sip. He missed being human, though he didn't miss zapping around in his free time and healing people. Though he would never be as amazing as his partner Dean Winchester.

"Dammit Dean what happened?" Castiel scolded as he came up from behind Dean and put his arms around his waist. He saw the hunter struggling to open a bag of chips because of a bandage across his hand.

"I got it from work but I got it checked over in the ambulance-"

"Again? Bee you need to be more careful!" Castiel exclaimed, causing Dean to let out a sigh and turn in Castiel's arms so that he was facing him, Dean traced lines across Castiel's jaw.

"Don't worry angel I'm trying," He reassured through a small smirk that Dean Winchester smirk Castiel had fallen in love with. "You don't have to be worried about me,"

The angel wished that he could press two fingers to Dean's forehead and heal him but he couldn't. His grace was fading and they both knew it. Soon it would be gone and he would be human again... Though knew that it wouldn't be so terrible being human he simply wanted to be able to use his powers to heal people and do good.

"Well, maybe we shouldn't-"

"No, we have to go on the hunt tomorrow!" Dean exclaimed butting in before Castiel could even finish his sentence.

Castiel let out a laugh as Dean connected their lips together through a smile. "You can't wait a day without saving people," The raven-haired angel mumbled through a small grin running fingers through Dean's soft locks of almond blonde hair... He knew that's what made Dean special... That's what made Dean a hero.

"What can I say it always finds me," Dean shrugged, pulling Castiel closer in his embrace though the angel did something shocking, pushing the blonde away.

"You need a shower,"

"Oh yeah?" Dean questioned through a laugh smelling himself he let out a shriek. "How the hell do you love me? I freak!" This caused Castiel to laugh.

"You smell like a campfire," Castiel pointed out causing Dean to laugh.

Dean was a local firefighter and enjoyed what he did. It made him feel like he was hunting with the adrenaline and it was almost equally as dangerous. The money was good though the two didn't need it still living off credit card scams. After all, they needed a way to pay for weekend hunts.

One in which they were going on tomorrow. Not only was Castiel the best lover Dean could ever ask for but he was also an amazing hunting partner. One that brought out the best in the blonde and made him laugh even in the worst situations.

"After you, shower doctor sexy MD should be on," Castiel grinned, causing Dean's eyes to widen as they shot toward the time on the stove.

"Holy shit yes!" Suddenly that's when Dean was running in the opposite direction.

"Wait Dean I forgot!" Castiel exclaimed, pulling Dean back. The blonde was confused until the angel took Dean's wrist up to his mouth and placed a kiss on it. "That'll make it better,"

"Thanks love," And that's when Dean was scrambling out of the room again causing Castiel to laugh.

They were two puzzle pieces who knew everything about one another.... And together they completed each other. Their other half. 

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