"Wings, "

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Castiel's happiness wasn't just love… Or love for any random Hunter.  

His love was for Dean Winchester and Dean Winchester only. This man was the only man he shared a profound bond with, not to mention the fact that this is the hunter who caused him, an angel of the Lord, to have feelings in the first place.  

Castiel's happiness was to come up behind Dean when he was cooking and wrap his arms around his waist. His happiness was to find Dean prancing around the bunker in his trench coat. He would be happy when he got to be next to his hunter watching him as he slept, keeping him safe or watching movies until Dean fell asleep to them.  

His happiness would be going on hunts with the green-eyed man and singing loudly in the car. Castiel's happinesses simply would be hugging the hunter when things got tough and running fingers through his blonde locks of hair.  

Castiel was truly at his happiest, because within days of being back on earth and pushing his nervousness aside he accomplished all these things. And never in his millions years of living work he has ever thought he stood a snowball's chance at Dean loving him back, and never in his million years of living did Castiel ever see himself ending up falling in love with a human.  

The most purest human he had ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on much less a hand.  

He wanted this hunter… His hunter knew this because there were times where Dean beat himself up. Weather it be his mind plaguing him by nightmares or his willingness to sacrifice himself for someone else. Though that was the man that Castiel fell in love with. 

The brave Dean Winchester… The hero Dean Winchester. 

When Castiel walked inside the room he found Dean wearing his trench-coat with scooby doo underwear on. Dean had a miracle by his side, each having a plate of bacon in front of them. “Mornin’ sunshine,” 

Castiel smiled at Dean’s nickname for him as he took a seat next to the hunter. The raven-haired angel had an AC/DC shirt hanging loosely over his body as his plaid pajama pants were too long and brushed against the floor. 

The raven-haired angel patted Miracle on the head as he leaned into Dean. It was moments like these that the hunter lived for. “I found us a hunt,” The blonde smiled through a mouthful of bacon. 

Castiel smiled in excitement, they hadn’t been able to find one for the past few weekends. The raven-haired angel missed hunting since they weren’t doing it fully now. He was proud of Dean for overcoming his past and becoming what everyone wanted of him. Dean was just like Bobby and if a hunter called he would tell them information they needed or pretend to be the FBI. The eldest Winchester also worked on cars which is something that his adoptive father did as well. Both of them missed Bobby deeply, though knew that once they got him to heaven he was in a much better place. 

Dean leaned down after he was done eating and placed a kiss to Castiel's neck. “Cas… I love you,” He mumbled through a small smirk. 

“I love you to,” No matter how many times Dean told him this Castiel would always become excited every time… It took him awhile to stop getting so excited to the point where lightbulbs would blow up around them. 

Next thing Castiel knew him and Dean were up and standing. The blonde hunter went to go put his plate in the sink causing the raven-haired angel to glance him over. The blonde's chest was littered with scars, that was one of the reasons why he knew Dean was afraid to let someone into his life. Yet, Castiel was an angel and he didn't see things the way that Dean would have expected him to, he saw those scars as something that made Dean him. 

Dean’s scars showed all the people he’s saved, and represented how he saved the world… and truly what an amazing hunter he is. Even if Castiel had only known Dean twelve years of his million year life he knew that was a fact. 

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