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"This is Castiel… Dean- why am I doing this again?"

"This is Castiel and this is my voicemail,"

"Dean, where are you?"

"The voice says I'm almost out of minutes,"

"I'll go with you, just tell me where you are Dean!"

"Where are you Dean?"

"I'm coming home, see you soon Dean," The eldest Winchester felt his eyes droop as the phone under his ear gradually turned off.

He drifted off into sleep, tricking his mind into believing that Castiel- his Castiel was coming back to him. And that in the morning he was going to wake up beside his bed. 

Though everyday Dean woke up and Castiel still wasn't there… Of course he wasn't because he's dead. 

The one person who Dean had trusted through everything, who had stayed by his side and become a part of his family… Gone. 

Castiel is gone and he isn't coming back.

After all these long years filled with war and- the only bright part Dean saw was that at least Castiel didn't die a Virgin like the blonde had stated all those years ago. 

Dean couldn't remember the ladies name, but she was the one from when Castiel was human.

The blonde winced at the thought, she had manipulated Castiel and all this time he was figuring out that he loved him. 

Castiel loved him. 

Dean's phone ran hot throughout the day as he was constantly on it listening to Castiel's voicemails and if his phone was about to die he would read their texts. 

Though a lot of them were simply emojis, that being what Castiel liked.

Dean made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich everyday at noon, since it was his Angels favorite food. 

Sam and Eileen had moved on awhile ago… Dean didn't see them much anymore. So it was just him. 

Him in this gigantic bunker all alone. 

Jack would stop by sometimes, he gave up on not being around. Dean had laughed at how long the kid lasted. Two days. 

Dean bought him cookie crunch and today was Wednesday which meant that he was going to come in 3…2…

"THERE IS A SPELL TO MAKE ME MORE POWERFUL!" Jack exclaimed slamming a book down in font of Dean and snatching the cookie crunch. 

"So? You don't need to-" However Dean then realized what this meant. 

His eyes widened. "I can bring Castiel back!" Jack exclaimed through his mouth full.

"What do we need?"

"The blood of the last person to touch him, his angel blade, a feather from his wings, and some of his grace… To make me more powerful we'll need a lot more than that," Jack sighed, pulling out a piece of paper full of writing. 

It was going to be a long night. 

"It didn't work," Dean murmured, pacing the bunkers Library. "It didn't work…"

"Um Dean…" Jack pointed behind the eldest Winchester causing him to spin around fast.

"Hello Dean,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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