"Drag me away from here,"

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Castiel changed everything.

He was the reason the Winchesters were even still alive.

He wasn’t a part of this story and yet here he is. He’s the one who wasn’t supposed to be calling people assbutts, watching porn and being up Dean’s ass and definitely in his personal space. He was the one who kept the Winchesters going, saving them on multiple occasions… He was the one changing Chucks plans and more importantly he was the one that saved Dean Winchester.

Neither of them knew that the other would be their saving grace…. Mary Winchester was right that angels were watching over her eldest son. And Castiel had been- well not anymore.

Dean Winchester sobbed and he sobbed and he sobbed for hours. He didn’t care that his brother was calling him… His brother was his everything and yet at this moment Dean Winchester didn’t care. All he cared about was what the hell had just happened. Castiel was taken from him.

Castiel, angel of the lord, his best friend, loved him.

Dean was too shaken up to comprehend what had happened and next thing he knew it the blue-eyed angel was gone. The angel that didn’t deserve what had occurred. He didn’t deserve any of it… All because of him.

Dean felt terrible and felt guilty… He was the reason that Castiel was there, however,  more importantly he felt guilty beyond repair about how he never got the chance to tell Castiel how he felt. He was to busy freaking the fuck out about how his best friend was saying goodbye…

Now his guardian angel was dead.

“C-Cas I...I need you,” Dean whispered, glancing toward the wall where the angel had been taken from him. The blonde could feel his hands shake as the tears never stopped falling from his eyes, his chest heaving up and down.

This wasn’t ever supposed to happen.

Dean knew that he changed the trench-coated angel but he never imagined it being this much… He thought he just changed the raven-haired angel into being more human. Into knowing what porn was and how to brush his teeth… Or even how to button his shirt and what a mixtape was and that he keeps presents-

The blonde could feel his thoughts as they rambled up in his mind. His best friend was trapped in the empty because of him. He was happy because of him. Dean couldn’t imagine making someone that happy nonetheless an angel. Most of them were dicks and yet Castiel changed all of that.

Dean could feel his heart ache against his chest as he pulled himself off the ground and ran and hand down his face. He felt incredibly broken and fragile, his stomach on the floor and his heart in pieces.

Who would have ever thought that Dean would cause an angel… An angel incapable of having feelings to feel something. Dean smiled at the thought of Castiel being so willing to save Jack… His smile faded as he realized that Jack had lost who was closest to him.

Castiel was the only reason that Dean and Jack even got along. Dean trusted the angel and it turns out the blue-eyed angel was right… Jack is a part of their family. The blonde could feel the tears coming back as he realized that Sammy and Jack never got to say goodbye… That he never got to say a proper goodbye.

The raven-haired angel at least deserved a proper goodbye after sacrificing himself to save Dean from Billy… Saving Dean he saved the world from Chuck. Castiel deserved more than being stuck in the empty.

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