"Protective mess,"

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"What the hell is wrong with you people!" Dean exclaimed to Castiel and Jack. "You could have gotten yourself a killed!" Castiel shut the bunker door from behind them and bowed his head in shame. 

At the sound of the door shutting Miracle came running towards them, tackling Jack in a hug and licks across his face. 

Once Jack became God it had terrible effects on him. So Sam took up the offer, saying that it will clean him of demon blood or whatever. 

And now Castiel and Dean were Jack's fathers. They were a family normally however on occasion they did hunt down the last few of the evil monster's.

Though Jack and Castiel had went without Dean. 

"Look he's got blood on him! Oh what the hell?" Dean was glancing up Jack and saw a gash in his shirt. 

"It's not his blood we're alright we killed the nest,"

"Dammit you should have just waited for me," Dean grumbled pulling the small back three year old Jack into his arms. Then investigating his wounds. 

"I'm a former angel of the Lord I think that I can handle a couple of vampires, after all I did survive without you for multiple centuries-"

"Son of a bitch," Dean grumbled, glancing at the large gash across Jack's stomach. "Oh and he wasn't hurt right?"

Castiel's face went pale. "He didn't tell me assbutt!"

"Shit I'm going to get Sam you lay him down," Jack was swapped among fathers before Dean began a prayer. 

"I pray for God to get his kaley ass down here," Dean jumped at the gust of wind behind him. 

"What the hell did you do this time?" Sam questioned through a sigh. 

"It wasn't me it was, Cas I swear! I was getting ready for tomorrow!"

"Right your first day as firefighter chief,"

"Exactly," Sam sighed placing a hand on Dean's shoulder and teleported them to Jack's room. 

Sam grumbled. "Can't you stay out of trouble? I'm not supposed to do this,"

"The two of them still think that they have powers apparently," Dean murmured causing Castiel to stick his tongue out at Dean. 

After Sam healed Jack the two of them hugged. Dean and Castiel smiled at each other letting out a sigh of relief. 

"You're the best," Dean reassured His brother. "Bitch,"

"I'm God you jerk,"

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