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When Castiel came back from the empty all of his things gradually ended up in Dean's room.  Then a week later the two shared a room. Sam  would laugh every time he caught the two coming out together and they became all blushy. 

"Cas you have to dry your hair or else you'll get cold!" Dean scolded the newly human from the empty as he ran a towel over Castiel's hair and brushed his fingers through the dark locks afterward to make sure it was dry. Dean towered Castiel's hair once more while they walked to their room only to accidentally cover castiel's eyes and him run into a wall. 

"I'm… I'm sorry!" Dean exclaimed through a small chuckle as Castiel only looked at him confused. 

"Am I good now Dean?"


They hadn't talked about that night in the dungeon yet, Castiel prayed they never would. Dena was clinging into honors now that he was back- the blue-eyed human may not be the brightest but he knew it was because he was scared that he would leave him again. 

"I can assure you Dean I'm not going to make any more deals," Castiel would reassure Dean al the time, he would even point out that Jack was god now and that they were free- however the blonde was still plagued by nightmares. 

Dean got up early everyday now and could be found in the kitchen already with a steaming cup of coffee. He was free now and every time Castiel would join him there would be an array of food.

"Here try this,"


"It's called french toast, it's more like…" Dean trailed off at the end trying to figure a way to explain this to his angel. 

Sam then walked in, all wet from his shower after his run, Eileen was behind him too all wet as well. Dean chuckled. 

"Can someone please explain French toast to him?" Eileen nodded going straight over to Castiel and sitting across from him. 

The two of them were besties now, Dean knew that they talked about him however he couldn't really get angry… At Least not at Castiel.

"I've tried everything there is for break fast," The raven-haired human shook his head. 

"Well what's your favourite?"

"Anything you make is my favorite," Castiel explained as if it were obvious, causing Dean to brush as Sam made girly fan girl sounds from the kitchen island. 

"As much as I want to hear the two of you love birds all day Eileen and I have a case… One of our last big bads before…" Sam trailed off and they knew what came after. 

Retirement. Something that never worked out and thus something that they never wanted to do.  Hunting was part of them and they never really wanted to let that go.

So that's how Dean ended up behind Castiel shaking him how to fold his clothes. Well his clothes as in most of them we're Dean's. 

The blue-eyed man insisted that he keep his own but Dean brushed it off. So Dean's old led zeppelin shirt ended up on Castiel that day, the rest of Dean's clothes that Castiel had taken a liking to in his drawer, they each had two drawers of their own. 

Next thing Castile knew Dean was hugging him. After every course Castiel did or anything Castiel accomplished he could always look forward to a hug from Dean. 

"Great job angel,"

Next things the two of them knew it was the four of them in the isolated zooming down the road. It was time for them to hunt. 

Dean made sure that Castiel was shoved behind him when they went in. And now he didn't know how the hell he had lost him. 

"Cas!" Dean shouted only to get no response. "Dammit!"

Next thing Dean knew three vampires came pit of nowhere and jumped him. They draped him toward the dark part of this abandoned building and Dean began to panic. Just as they were about to tie him up Castiel came out of nowhere and began killing them all. 

"Cas!" Dean exclaimed happily, though right as he was about to hug his human a vampire jumped back up and dragged a knife down Castiel's side. 

Castiel screamed as Dean rushed to decapitate the vampire. 

Dean pushed the angel into his arms and hugged him tightly. "I thought I lost you again Cas,"

"I'm right here Dean I'm not going anywhere,"

"I love you," Castiel was shocked by Dean's words as Dean was also shocked by his own smile. "I love you Cas,"

"I love you too Dean, "

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