"Once again you saved me,"

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God beat the shit out of Sam and Dean Winchester that fateful day. He grabbed Dean by the arm as a sickening crack filled the air once he was done with him… Along with his ankle. Then he dislocated Sam's shoulder causing him to wince in pain. 

Neither of them screamed… They had both just lost the people closest to them. This pain wasn’t the same, if anything they didn’t mind this type of pain. Sam then turned toward his brother and was struggling to get up on his broken ankle. The moose quickly came to his older brother's rescue pulling him up to his feet. 

They both smiled through blood laughing at god as they were finally about to win. “Just stand down boys,” Chuck tried to reason however he quickly caught on that they were staring at something…. Actually someone. 

Jack was standing behind Chuck. 

The nephilim was just about to place his hands on Chuck to take away God's power however Chuck snapped his fingers causing something to happen to Jack. Jack quickly collapsed to the ground. 

“No!” Dean exclaimed lunging at Chuck realizing that their plan didn’t work. 

He stabbed Chuck right in the chest falling to the ground in pain. This did little to faze Chuck as God quickly picked Dean up by the throat. “Did you really think that would work?” 

Dean never got to answer, as Jack was then standing behind Chuck doing something with his powers. The two of them began to glow as God dropped Dean causing him to drop with a thud to the ground. 

“No!” Sam roared watching as both Chuck and Jack fell to the ground. “Jack!” Sam was hobbling over to Jack kneeling down beside him watching as Jacks eyed began to flutter between open and closed. 

“He wasn’t strong enough,” Chuck mumbled through a smirk as he began to sit back up in his place. “A godless world… Of course the Winchesters would find a way,” 

Sam and Dean weren’t listening, as Dean quickly pulled out a gun on Chuck. “You bleed now I can kill you,” The blonde smirked as Chuck became fragile under the barrel of the gun. 

“To die at the hands of Dean Winchester, a killing machine,” Chuck mumbled through a smirk. “Not how I wrote my story to end but to be honest that’s not terrible…” 

“No, you see I’m not like that,” The blonde whispered pulling himself up and off the ground. 

“Jacks gone, and this time you can’t beg anyone to bring him back,” This hurt Dean in ways that he couldn’t comprehend. 

He knew what Chuck was talking about. How he begged him days ago to bring Cas back along with everyone else. 

“We’ll find a way… We always do,” Dean reassured, staring at Jack waiting for him to wake up… However, that never happened. 

Dean winced every step he took, as Chuck was just about to get off the ground Dean turned around and pointed the gun at him again. “Don’t even think about it you son of a bitch,” 

“You’re not going to leave me here… You can’t,” 

“Oh yes we can because as you told us you’re human now, you’re going to grow old, be able to get sick,” Sam reassured as he lifted up Jack's body every fibre hurting in his body. 

The two Winchesters could barely see because of all the blood covering their eyes. They didn’t care though they were still sadly smiling to each other as they knew who they had just defeated. 

Once Sam set Jack in the backseat the Winchesters were practically in their car driving away. “No wait!” Chuck exclaimed however it was too late though as the impala kicked up dirt right into his face.

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